Why You Need To Love Your Past!

why you need to love your past

Why You Need To Love Your Past!

Only then can you have a better present and future Life.

Memories of The Past

If you keep entertaining memories of the past, in the present moment, that were good, bad, or ugly, you will be affecting your current present moment state either positively or negatively.

why you need to love your past

What if you had a bad past?

In a recent workshop, Emotional Intelligence, I mentioned this same concept about time. One participant stood up and said that his past was very bad and there was no way he could ever love his past.

why you need to love your past

Another way to create past positive memories

How do our past memories come about? How do we create our past memories?

My Best Holiday Ever for 2 Completely Opposite Reasons – How pleasure and pain collided into one

Get Cracking

If you want to have an awesome present moment and build a wonderful future, fall in love with your past. It could be the past as a child growing up, or it could be the past of the last couple of years.

Join us in our next Emotional Intelligence training where you will have an opportunity to clear your past of all negative emotions and feelings.

Paul Simos is an accomplished Executive Life Coach, Health Coach & Certified Trainer.

He has a fundamental belief about his clients which frames how they work together i.e. they already have everything they need to achieve success. His role as a coach is to stimulate and challenge his clients to unlock their successful beliefs, skills, and behavior patterns.

 Free Masterclass Training, How To Get More Successful Outcomes In Your Professional & Personal Relationships… By Saying “NO” (The Right Way)…


why you need to love your past

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