This Is What Happens During My 3 Month Coaching Program

What Happens During My 3 Month Coaching ProgramThis Is What Happens During My 3 Month Coaching Program

This Is What Happens During My 3 Month Coaching Program. If you have never experienced coaching before and you are curious as to what happens and how it works, keep reading. I will give you an overview of the process and how we get lasting results.

This Is What Happens During My 3 Month Coaching Program

Meet with potential client – How can I help you today? Have the initial conversation to learn more about the presenting challenge and gather information. Establish the root cause of the problem and determine the client’s willingness to let go of the problem. There are secondary gains in having problems which can stop us from changing.

First session with client – set up framework for coaching sessions, expectations, logistics and then learn more about the client. Get a real clear picture of what it was like for them growing up at home and their life experience to this point. It’s very important to understand the environment in which the client spent most of their youth. We definitely don’t dig deep into the past, we want to get a good snapshot, an understanding, an awareness of those early years.

Then over the next 90 days we will connect with each other in person or via Zoom. We can start with 2 coaching sessions a week (depending on client) then after the first couple of weeks reduce it to 1 coaching session per week.

The main focus of our coaching sessions is about focusing on the client’s goal. Where does the client want to be in 3, 6, 12 months time? We work together on a very detailed goal setting intervention and we take daily action on this goal to bring it into reality. We breathe life into the goal so it becomes ALIVE and ACHIEVABLE.

During the 3 months coaching program, working on the major goal, we inevitably hit road block, speed humps, challenges that mostly come from past experiences, past conditioning, past values and beliefs that we have taken on and have now surfaced while in pursuit of our goal.

Its during this period we will start applying our coaching and NLP Interventions to start removing the 4 clouds that hold us back from achieving our goals. Those 4 clouds are NEGATIVE THINKING, NEGATIVE EMOTIONS, INNER CONFLICT, LIMITING BELIEFS.

Once we remove the specific cloud from past conditioning we are now free to continue working on our major goal. This process will continue, clearing our past road blocks as they appear while we are working on our goal.

This is a extremely important process in achieving our results. If we don’t deal with and clear out past conditioning, we will continue to create the past in our present and future and we will never attain our goal.

This is a very positive and empowering coaching experience because we are more focused on the future of where we want to go and only deal with the past as it stops us from achieving this goal.

Want to talk about your BIG VISION, BIG GOAL, and understand how your past could be stopping you from achieving it?

Schedule an appointment to discuss your specific situation.

Remember to join me on Face Book or Subscribe to my YouTube Channel where most of the action happens…

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