How We Create Our Reality and Life Experiences

how we create our reality and life experiencesHow We Create Our Reality and Life Experiences.

How We Create Our Reality and Life Experiences is a lot more simple than we think. It’s a 3 step process that we are already using NOW.

We are already creating our reality and life experiences otherwise we could not experience them.

Ok…now you have lost me…

I’m experiencing things in my life that I definitely don’t want…


Experiences like…

– Lack of money…
– Career I don’t like…
– Health problems I don’t want…
– Toxic relationships that I don’t need and want…
– Living in a country or town I don’t like…

Yes….We are creating all those experiences whether we like it or not.

So what is this 3 step process that I’m using to create my reality and my experiences?

The 3 simple steps are:

1) Thinking – What I’m thinking about all day long
2) Words – What I talk about all day long
3) Actions – Daily actions based on my thinking and words

John is now 98 Kilos and wants to lose 18 kilos.

John keeps THINKING to himself….”I’m fat, I need to lose weight, my clothes are too tight, I feel embarrassing been this fat, I can’t lose weight…”

John keeps TALKING in to the world to his colleagues and friends…”I’m fat, I need to lose weight, my clothes are too tight, I feel embarrassing been this fat, I can’t lose weight…”

Johns ACTIONS are…”too busy to exercise, I love eating chocolate and fried foods, I hate vegetables, I need to socialize with my friends and drink beer…”
Understand this…

Where the FOCUS goes the ENERGY flows…

If john keeps focusing his thinking on what he doesn’t want….Keeps talking about what he doesn’t want…His actions will lead to what he doesn’t want…

We run 90% of our life via our Subconscious Mind and it doesn’t understand the word DON’T…Our mind works in pictures….

For example….DON’T think of Donald Trump…

What happened? Yes…pictures came up in your mind of Donald Trump even though I said not to think of him. Some of your pictures were good ones while others not so good…Now that’s another story for later…

So what happens in reality is this…(DON’T) Think of Donald Trump…

If we continue to think about, talk about all the things we don’t want they will keep appearing in our reality.

What’s the solution?

We train our mind to focus on what we DO WANT…TALK ABOUT what we DO WANT then it’s easier to take ACTION STEPS on what we think about and talk about…

John for example NOW says….I’m getting thinner and thinner everyday, my clothes feel looser on my body, I’m feeling more confident with my body, I’m exercising daily and now I like eating vegetables, my family and friends are noticing my new healthy body…

If you think in your mind and speak out those positive words of the things you want your actions will naturally follow through and you will create in your reality and experience in your reality what you think about and talk about all day long…

That’s How We Create Our Reality and Life Experiences.

Remember to join me on Face Book where most of the action happens…

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