Do You Have A Personal Growth Plan?

How To Start A Simple Yet Very Effective Personal Growth Plan.

“Knowing others is intelligence. Knowing yourself is true wisdom. Mastering others is strength. Mastering yourself is true power.”

– Lao Tzu –

Why should I even have a personal growth plan is a great question and one that deserves a clear and concise answer?

3 Very Important Reasons Why A Personal Growth Plan is a Must.

Very simply, when we get better, learn, grow and expand our knowledge and experience of life, all the other areas of our life grow and expand in relation to who we are.

Our life is a reflection of who we are. Our life is the mirror image of who we are. When I get better my world gets better.

Reason No:1

Health – For those who already enjoy awesome health know that if it wasn’t for such outstanding health how could they function. How could they be successful in any or all areas of their life? We only have one body, look after it. Developing and learning more about our health will maximize our wonderful experience of life.

Reason No:2

Relationships – Whether it’s your soulmate, family member, work colleague, or a stranger, we need to develop our relationships. We are all in constant communication with other human beings. The quality of our communication will determine the quality of our life experience, says Tony Robbins.

Reason No:3

Business / Career – As business owners, Executives, or team players, business is changing fast. To be on top of the ever-changing landscape of business and the world is a must. If we don’t keep up, we will be left behind. We need to grow with business and technology to stay in the race and excel at our core competencies.   

3 Simple Steps To Start Your Personal Growth Plan

personal growth plan

Step No:1 – Identify 1 Area of Your Life.

Use the Wheel of Life diagram and select the area of your life that is the bottleneck. The area that is causing you the most pain. If you removed this bottleneck the other areas of your life would immediately improve. This lowest area is the catalyst for the other areas of improvement.

For me, it was my health. I know if I could lose the extra weight, get my energy back, and have a clear focus, the other areas of my life would improve as well. I went from 110 kilos to 79 kilos and never looked back.

Step No:2 – Set a Goal in That 1 Area of Your Life.

Know the outcome you wish to achieve in this 1 area of your life. Set a SMART goal to achieve this outcome, in the present tense with a clear date as to when you will have it. You can apply the Logical Levels to your goal to achieve it even faster.

personal growth plan

Step No:3 – Take Massive Action.

That’s right. Take massive action and make this goal your magnificent obsession. Get your partner, family, and friends onside to help you. Engage a coach or mentor to keep you accountable. Cut some other activities out of your life to allow more time and space for you to nourish this new goal to bring it into your reality. Don’t stop until you have it.


We can only experience the external world based on who we are and what we know. To experience and enjoy more of the world we need to become more. The world can only mirror back to us who we are, no more or no less.

To live in a better world, we need to become more through a personal growth plan.

Start that personal growth plan today in 1 area of your life and make your way to all the other areas of your life where you would love to experience more.

Paul Simos is an accomplished Executive Life Coach, Health Coach & Certified Trainer.

He has a fundamental belief about his clients which frames how they work together i.e. they already have everything they need to achieve success. His role as a coach is to stimulate and challenge his clients to unlock their successful beliefs, skills, and behavior patterns.

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