How To Create The Future Version of Ourselves

How To Create The Future Version of Ourselves.

Why do we even want to have a future version of ourselves, or have we already arrived at who we are and what we are capable of doing in our life? Very simply, If we don’t have a compelling vision of our future self, by default, we will recreate the past version (not growing & expanding) or our environment will decide and shape us.

Do we want to continue to live a “Ground Hog Day” or create a compelling future we can grow into, love & enjoy?  

3 Steps To Creating The Future Version of Yourself:

Step No 1: Know who you want to become:

It sounds very simple and basic yet many of us are so preoccupied with the past and present we don’t give much thought to who we want to become in the future.

What qualities as a human being do you want to display as your future self, confidence, perseverance, humility, etc?… Do you see yourself in a completely different career? Is your future self healthy and vibrant with an abundance of energy?

Take some time to get crystal clear exactly who your future self will be from the inside out.

Step No 2: Make decisions now based on your future vision of yourself:

Now that you have very clearly defined your future self as in who you will BE, DO & HAVE, start to make decisions based on your new future version.

For example: If the future version of yourself is a fit, healthy, toned body with an abundance of energy and the current version of yourself is lazy, overweight, and eats donuts every day, you would say that they are making decisions based on their present version of themselves, not their future version.  So now, the current version will need to make better decisions about diet and exercise from the perspective of their future self.

Every decision you now make will need to be from the version of your future self so one day your body and lifestyle will catch up to that future version of yourself.

Step No 3: Practice being your future self in the present moment:

You are now very familiar with the future version of yourself and you are making all your current decisions based on that new version of who you will become very soon. Continue to practice having a daily focus on your future self. All your energy is going towards creating the new you. All your decisions are coming from the new you, not the old you. Continue to breathe life into the new version of yourself and before you realize it you will wake up one day as the new version of yourself.

In my career and health, I have created many different versions of myself, and set goals as a fast track to arrive sooner.

I had a current version of myself many years ago of 110 kilos. I had to imagine and get crystal clear about who I wanted to be in the future. I have already arrived at 78 kilos, fit, healthy, and with an abundance of energy. If I didn’t make decisions based on the future version of myself, who knows where I would be now.

It was the same in business. I have many times created a future version of myself and purposefully, with intention, transitioned to that person and career.

That’s How To Create The Future Version of Ourselves.

Who would you like to be at the end of 2021?

Paul Simos is an accomplished Executive Life Coach, Health Coach & Certified Trainer.

He has a fundamental belief about his clients which frames how they work together i.e. they already have everything they need to achieve success. His role as a coach is to stimulate and challenge his clients to unlock their successful beliefs, skills, and behavior patterns.

 Free Masterclass Training, How To Get More Successful Outcomes In Your Professional & Personal Relationships… By Saying “NO” (The Right Way)…

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