You Can Lead A Horse To Water

you can lead a horse to waterYou Can Lead A Horse To Water…

You Can Lead A Horse To Water. Now, this saying, I’m sure, your very familiar. You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make him drink. People have their own way and reason for doing things in their life. It doesn’t matter how plausible your reasoning is or even how true and logical it may be. Creating lasting permanent, positive change in our lives, and encouraging others to change can be a tough gig.

I’m sure you have colleagues and friends with whom you have had numerous conversations about improving your life. For example, your colleague is trying very hard to tell you about all the benefits of exercise and cutting back on your food consumption to have more energy and an awesome looking body. It all makes perfect sense. It’s very logical and you realize that this is something that you want as well, BUT, it’s so hard to change. You try it for a while and then you go back to the old way of doing things, even though you know its not good for you.

Why is it so hard for many of us to change?

You Can Lead A Horse To Water…

One of the most obvious reasons I see why people find it hard to change is that we are so familiar with the way we have been do things for so long. Our body has locked in the program of doing a specific task. When its locked into our body it becomes an unconscious program or habit if you like.

It is so unconscious it gets activated without even the conscious mind been aware of it.

Now, we have many of these different programs locked into our body that is running our life. Actually most of our life is been run by these unconscious programs.

Some of these unconscious programs are:

  • The type of people I date…
  • How I speak to people…
  • How I treat myself & other people…
  • The foods I eat…
  • The people I associate with…
  • The amount of money I earn…
  • How I spend my money…

These are just a few of the unconscious programs we are running. Now, our body (the program) has become the mind and is running my life. Even though my conscious mind wants something different, the program always wins. We are so familiar with these programs, when we try to change them, it feels so unfamiliar in our body that we revert back to what’s familiar, not necessarily, what’s good for me.

95% of our life is run by these unconscious programs and it’s not until we create a more positive program in our body, which becomes the mind, will our life substantially change.

Therein lies the conflict between what my conscious mind wants and what my subconscious mind / body is delivering in my reality.

The real work of permanent, lasting, positive change, is carried out at the unconscious level where we run our many life long programs.

That’s where we need to do the work, and that’s exactly where I do the work with my clients in my One to One Coaching Sessions and Training Workshops.

You can lead a horse to water but you can’t make him drink, or can you?…

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