How Hungry Are You For Your Dream?

How Hungry Are You For Your DreamHow Hungry Are You For Your Dream?

How Hungry Are You For Your Dream? I remember watching a YouTube video of Jordan Belford, The Wolf Of Wall Street, and he was talking about his income threshold…

Jordan mentioned that he was familiar earning over a million dollars US a year and if it was looking like he was not going to hit his target, he would go crazy taking massive action until he reach the 1 million…

He was HUNGRY and nothing would stop him from his goal until he got it….

He would put everything else aside and work tirelessly, like a pit bull terrier dog grabbing on to a bone, once they get hold of it they don’t let go…

He was HUNGRY and always hit his target….

How Hungry are you to achieve your dreams and goals?….

Without you opening your mouth and telling me a word, I can tell the true story by evaluating where you spend most of your time…

Our body is a great litmus test for where our priorities, focus and goals are….

Whatever our body is doing most of the time, that’s what is important to us….

If I was hungry to get in shape, lose weight, have more energy etc, you would see my body at the gym regularly, you would see my body eating healthy water rich foods, you would see my body readying books about health, you would see my body in health workshops or seminars, your would see my body with a personal trainer and coach, that’s hungry….

Look at where your body spends most of its time….

Does it match up with what you say, are your dreams and goal?…

If not, get HUNGRY and move your body in alignment with what you say you want…

Take action NOW…


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