How Our Mindset Is Running Our Life – Mindset Shift

How Our Mindset Is Running Our Life - Mindset ShiftHow Our Mindset Is Running Our Life – Mindset Shift

How Our Mindset Is Running Our Life – Mindset Shift. I’m sure that I’m not telling you anything new when I say that our results in our life come 80% from our mindset and 20% from our skill…..

So when we fully understand this, where do you think we should be spending most of our time?…

That’s right, working on our mindset….

Our mindset is running our life whether we like it or not, it’s running the show…

You can have all the skill in the world but if the mindset is not right, not aligned, you will never attain lasting results in your life….

Our mindset and skill work together in that ratio of 80/20…

So to get better results in our life we need to work on our mindset….

So Paul, what’s the quickest way to develop our mindset?…

Great question, I’m glad you asked….


Putting ourselves in and environment for an extended period of time and immersing ourselves, absorbing information in that environment….

When we were children we were immersed in the environment of our parents and that’s why we are so much like them, they showed and taught us how to do life….

We were immersed in their mindset, values, beliefs, behaviors and results….

Now most of us are repeating the same…

If you don’t like your current mindset you can change, you can create a different mindset….

A new mindset about career, health, relationships, finances….

Now the question is, do you want to fast track it, or go the slow way?….

Most of us already know the slow way, so let’s talk fast track…

Very simply, we need to IMMERSE ourselves in what we want, immerse ourselves in the new mindset that we want….

When I completed my train the trainer certification, I immersed myself for 20 days in training, 20 consecutive days, I immersed myself completely and had a huge mindset Shift….

That’s the fast way…

Join me next month for my 6 day total immersion, NLP Communications Training on being the best version of yourself…


Register Here Now: NLP Communication & Behavioral Change Workshop 

Remember to join me on Face Book or Subscribe to my YouTube Channel where most of the action happens…


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