What Is NLP – Neuro Linguistic Programming?

what is nlpWhat Is (NLP) Neuro Linguistic Programming?

What is NLP –  Neuro Linguistic Programming? When I first heard about the subject of NLP many years ago i didn’t really know how to explain it…

There are many different processes tools and techniques that we use in NLP so at first it can be overwhelming as to what NLP is exactly…

When I explain in a workshop or to a coaching client about what is NLP I have a few different explanations…

What Is NLP?

Firstly I will ask the group in front of me at the start of a workshop, what is NLP?…

Mostly I get many blank looks on their faces that has confusion written all over it…

Then someone will shout out, Hey Paul, that’s why we came to your workshop, to learn what it is…

Everyone would break our laughing and shout out things like…

⁃ It’s building relationships…
⁃ Communication…
⁃ Eye patterns…
⁃ Body language…

Yes, it’s all these things…

Then I would say, how would you like me to teach you in one simple sentence what NLP is so you can go home tonight and explain with confidence to your family and friends, because I’m sure they are very curious about what you will be studying for the next 6 days…

All the students shake their heads in unison in the affirmative…

Then I walk over to the white board ready to write…

Are you ready to write this down?…

They quickly scramble for pen and paper and then complete silence as they watch me writing on the board what is NLP in one simple sentence…

“NLP is the modelling of excellence in ourselves and others”…

Then I will break this sentence down and make some further distinctions so they get a deeper understanding with more clarity….

By the end of the first day they have already memorized a definition of NLP and can explain further by making some key distinctions…

To get some of those same distinctions please what the video…now of my latest workshop explanation of what is NLP…

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