I Can Read Your Mind and I am Not a Fortune Teller

i can read your mind and i am not a fortune tellerI Can Read Your Mind and I am Not a Fortune Teller.

I can remember over 15 + years ago the doctor that I would visit, only when I really had too, was a fortune teller.

I clearly remember this one visit that he sat me down and said, “Paul, If you continue to live your current lifestyle I can’t guarantee you too many more healthy years”.

He told me if I don’t change my ways I will increase my level of lifestyle disease, increase my level of sickness, decrease the quality of my life and possibly not be around to see retirement.

How could he predict my future? How does he know all of this would take place?

From a physical level I truly believe he could predict my future based on my behavior and lifestyle yet…could he read my mind?

I Can Read Your Mind and I am Not a Fortune Teller.

Based on what I know and now believe, yes, it is possible to read someone’s mind or at least know the type of thoughts they are entertaining in their head.

Those who subscribe to the laws of Metaphysics will know exactly what I’m talking about.

I can remember a quote that goes like this…”You become what you think about all day long”.

We create our reality with our thoughts, words and then actions. What we focus on is what we create in our lives.

I see it so often in my life and lives of those around me.

We are truly a manifestation of what we think about all day long.

Take the test…

Stop for a few moments and reflect on what you have in your life now whether you think it is good or bad.

– Good health / poor health
– Deep loving relationships / shallow unhealthy relationships
– Abundance / scarcity
– Lots of money / very little money
– Lot’s of travel / very little travel

It is our daily thinking over a period of time that creates the life that we have and experience NOW.
So… when we look at what we have in our lives NOW… we can trace it back to a pattern of thinking or certain thoughts or a lack of certain thoughts to produce the results we are experiencing.

For example…when you see someone with a very shapely body, muscular, shinny eyes, toned and healthy skin, flexible and full of energy…what sort of thoughts do you think they are having on a regular basis to create that type of body?

– What time will I go to exercise today…
– Where can I buy a lovely salad…
– Have I consumed my 3 liters of water today…
– What time will I arrive home so I get 8 hours sleep tonight…
– How can I socialize using more physical activities…
– Is it time for my yearly physical examination…
– What is my next health book that I will read…
– How can I make more friends who have a high value on health and wellness…
– What’s the latest research on longevity…

What we think about all day long we become.

Now you know how to read someone’s mind by observing the regular results they are achieving in their lives.

Very powerful information for you to re-engineer your life by knowing what you want and then thinking the thoughts on a regular basis that will produce that outcome.

Your already doing it…the challenge is you are operating by default and not by design.

I Can Read Your Mind and I am Not a Fortune Teller.

Remember to join me on Face Book where most of the action happens…

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