Powerful Coaching Conversations

Powerful Coaching Conversations

Powerful Coaching Conversations. Recently a new client came to see me for a 90-minute Powerful Coaching Conversation.

During these sessions, I like to get everything out on the table, I mean everything! In doing this I can fully assess what we are dealing with. I can get to the root cause of the problem.

The initial presenting challenge was a lack of motivation.

I then looked at all areas of his life, career, health, relationships, family, etc..

Following is a list of the presenting symptoms which have been persisting for over a year:

  • Low motivation at work
  • Weight gain
  • Comfort eating
  • Excessive drinking
  • High-stress levels
  • Arguments at home
  • Estranged relationship with siblings

After 90 min of focused enquiry into the different areas of his life and presenting symptoms, I asked deep questions and listened intently. We uncovered the root cause of the problem.

John (not his real name) was promoted to a senior position on the board of directors.

He did not have adequate skills, capabilities, and personality traits, to perform successfully in his new senior position on the board of directors.

Over time this caused the other areas of John’s life to become problematic, and out of balance due to his not addressing the root cause of the necessary skills and capabilities he required to function in his new role.

We will now work together to address the root cause of John’s problem, which will alleviate most of the other presenting symptoms. We will still need to work together on those areas of his life (health, relationships, family) so they become supporting factors towards his career success.

Working together we will develop new subconscious programs, and increase leadership skills and capabilities. We will also address the necessary personality traits to equip John in his new senior role on the board of directors.

We will also top up John’s skills relevant to his current life stage.

John’s motivation, energy, and relaxed demeanor returned before we concluded our 1st session signifying a positive alignment between the conscious and subconscious minds.

This is how Powerful Coaching Conversations can change your life.

Paul Simos is an accomplished Executive Life Coach, Health Coach and Certified Trainer. He has a fundamental belief about his clients which frames how they work together i.e. they already have everything they need to achieve success. His role as a coach is to stimulate and challenge his clients to unlock their successful beliefs, skills, and behavior patterns. LinkedIn.

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