The 3 Most Dangerous Words In The English Language To Your Success

The 3 Most Dangerous Words In The English Language To Your SuccessThe 3 Most Dangerous Words In The English Language To Your Success.

The 3 Most Dangerous Words In The English Language To Your Success. We already know that our words are very powerful and they either motivate us or stop us dead in our tracks…

Words only cover 7% of our communication and its a very important 7%, so we need to be conscious of the words we are using and how they impact us and our results…

Did you know that there are 3 words that are extremely dangerous to say?…

3 words that will stop us dead in our tracks and cause our mind to shut down and all communication and learning to stop….

These 3 words will set up a resistance to information that could be the key to us overcoming a challenge, finding that perfect solution and achieving those results we have been searching for so long…

We need to eliminate these 3 words from our vocabulary because they are a humongous road block to achieving our goals and happiness in our life….

So what are those 3 words that are so poisonous to our success in life?…


When we say these words our mind shuts down, stops listening and puts up a wall to further communication on the subject….

When I’m talking with potential clients to see if we are a good fit to work together, I hear them say, “I KNOW THAT”….

listen up….

The only time we really know something is when we are applying it in our life and we are getting results….

We may know it intellectually, great, I know it in my head, I’m successful in my head….

If I’m not getting results in reality, I don’t have all the information yet, I don’t know it yet…

Many of us say, I KNOW THAT, yet we still have the problem….

Stop it, Stop it, stop it NOW…

Delete those words from your vocabulary…

Understand this….

We can make many distinctions on a subject and get further information and understanding, and it’s in those small distinctions where all your answers are, all your solutions, to all your current challenges…

Comment below and share how these 3 words have impacted your life….

Remember to join me on Face Book or Subscribe to my YouTube Channel where most of the action happens…


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