How Can My Life Change If I Don’t Change?

How Can My Life Change If I Don't ChangeHow Can My Life Change If I Don’t Change?

How Can My Life Change If I Don’t Change? Within each and everyone one of us is a part of our being that is designed to learn, grow and develop…

Its this spiritual part, this immaterial part of us that we must attend too, for our lives to change…

When I change my life changes…

Everything I have now is based on who I am and what I’m doing…

While I remain that person and continue to do the same things I will continue to get the same results in my life…

Yes or yes?…

That’s right…

It’s that law of cause and effect…

What do you want different in your life?

I asked that question to a man yesterday and he went quiet and couldn’t tell me what he wanted…

I then asked him, do you know what you don’t want?…

His reply was, how long have you got….

It’s good to know what we don’t want and even better to know what we do want…

OK, what do you want?….

I want a higher position in my company that pays more money….


To get that new position I need to be a different person to perform that function…

I need to change, grow, learn some new skills, take on more responsibilities and as I change that new position will be more suitable to me…

How can I be a great communicator if I don’t BECOME a great communicator?…

How can I be a great lover if I don’t BECOME a great lover?…

How can I have the new position if I don’t BECOME the person for that new position?…

I have to BECOME before I can have….

BECOME the person you need to be to have the things you want…

That requires us to learn, grow and change…

Keep Educating Yourself is the KEY…

Happy learning…

Remember to join me on Face Book or Subscribe to my YouTube Channel where most of the action happens…



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