Rediscovering What We Often Overlook

Rediscovering What We Often Overlook!

A Fascinating Conversation with Ian

Rediscovering What We Often Overlook

Rediscovering What We Often Overlook. Recently, I had a very interesting conversation with Ian Mayne Cunningham. Ian is from Australia, and we met a few years ago at the Sofitel here in Saigon. He came to visit me in my office. We spent almost 02 hours talking and sharing.

Do you know what kind of product he is now promoting?

It is completely new to me; I can’t believe such a product exists. It’s called Nu Calm. I’m not sure if any of you have experienced the same surprise that I did.

What kind of product is this? Through our conversation, I discovered how interesting it is.

He is an agent, which means the company is already very big and sells the product to many people, which is very interesting.

They have an App, and you just listen to this to reduce stress and help people go from a state of fight or flight into a state of calm and peace.

This product says so much to me because there are a few things nowadays that technology allows us to do; that is the beauty of technology.

Besides technology, there is a need to support critical mental health problems that we must address. (Mental problems we need to address)

It means so many of us need support to balance. To get balance, we work, work, stress, stress, fight or fly, fight and fight… too much in our daily lives.

And that is a good thing. It is a good thing that we have many things to build, many things to develop, many things to discover, and many things to conquer.

But on the other hand, sometimes we just forget that Happiness is the journey, not the destination – we just forget – we try to achieve, we try to arrive at the destination, and we forget the journey we are going through – sometimes we cannot arrive at the destination we wish.

My mission as an executive coach is to reflect, and when I reflect on this situation, I have to say, wow, the more I reflect, the more I think it makes a lot of sense.

Yes, many of my clients have a lot in their lives, a lot of wealth, but they are not always happy. Sometimes, they have days when they have suffered the journey. I do not want that to happen to you—to any of you. I want you to live a full life, to grow, to build, to conquer, but I also want you to be happy.

So, if you find yourself in a state that you question, please look for this app or this kind of Nu Calm product or have a conversation with a professional.

I’m always here.

Paul Simos is an accomplished Executive Life Coach, Health Coach, and Certified Trainer. His fundamental belief about his clients frames how they work together: They already have everything they need to succeed. His role as a coach is stimulating and challenging his clients to unlock their successful beliefs, skills, and behaviour patterns. LinkedIn.

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