We are Defined By Our Daily Rituals

we are defined by our rituals We are Defined By Our Daily Rituals – Our daily routines are deciding our results every moment of the day!

Tony Robbins says, “We are defined by our daily rituals”. What we do on a consistent basis, day in, day out, is creating who we become and the results we are achieving.

The first 1,2 or 3 things we attend to in the morning, as soon as we awake, are going to set up the tone, the foundation, for the rest of the day. Are we building a solid foundation in the morning to ensure a fruitful and productive day?

Upon awakening is your first action to pick up the phone and start viewing FB, and Instagram, check your emails, with still one eye closed?

Do you start to recall all of yesterday’s problems and challenges and put yourself in a negative emotional state as a crumbling foundation to start your day?

Most people drag themselves out of bed, after hitting the snooze button, more than once. Now you’re running 30-45 minutes late as you stumble out of bed, wondering how you’re going to catch up on that lost time.

From this point, your whole day is spent playing catch up, while only focusing on the bare minimum to get you through the day.

All those ideas and plans about morning exercise, meditation, and planning for the day, are all out the window.

We have just set up a crumbling foundation for the rest of the day.

Now we are living a life of reactivity, rather than planned, focused attention and actions. We are reacting to our environment instead of thoughtfully, responding to it.

This has a cascading effect of stress, low energy, distraction, tension, and arguments, need I go on?

This is not a one-time occurrence, it’s a ritual; it appears to be the norm in some people’s lives.

What is the alternative?

Power Move Habits – How to empower yourself into results!

We are defined by our daily rituals, so what would happen if we were running a positive daily ritual?

Imagine if you could have a very different type of ritual that empowered you to take daily action towards your important Keystone goals.

Imagine waking up before the rest of your family, calm, present, focused on your Keystone goal, and listing 3 action steps you will take today towards achieving it.

You set up your morning with some exercise, healthy eating, reading positive information on a subject you love, and 5 minutes of contemplative meditation/visualization of your perfect day.

You get to work 20 minutes before starting time, settle in, plan the day’s tasks, feeling confident and energized to achieve your outcomes.

Upon this foundation, do you agree that your day will be more productive, enjoyable, and results-driven?


Having a powerful morning routine is paramount for all of us to be winning in our professional and personal lives.

Imagine having not just a morning routine, but a day and evening routine, a system, if you followed daily (a Ritual) would eliminate procrastination, and increase clarity and confidence, while boosting motivation towards your important goals.

Paul Simos is an accomplished Executive Life Coach, Health Coach & Certified Trainer.

He has a fundamental belief about his clients which frames how they work together i.e. they already have everything they need to achieve success. His role as a coach is to stimulate and challenge his clients to unlock their successful beliefs, skills, and behavior patterns.

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