Yoga Breakthrough For Busy Professionals

Yoga Breakthrough For Busy Professionals

Yoga breakthrough for busy professionals

Yoga breakthrough for busy professionals. Speaking with a new yoga student on the weekend after our Saturday 90 min Power Flow class. He is new to yoga and this was his first class.

It was a good opportunity to learn more about him and his reason for coming to practice yoga. I was also able to share with him some of the philosophy and practical applications that yoga has and the many benefits.

As an Executive Coach, I encourage my Executive clients to give yoga a go if they don’t already have a regular exercise routine. It’s the perfect practice for all, especially busy professionals.

Following are a few key points I was able to mention to this new yoga student before he disappeared to enjoy the rest of his weekend.

  • Yoga is a practice where we use our physical body, mind, emotions, and spirit and bring them all together on our yoga mat. We want to practice having all 4 areas working together to create harmony in our being.
  • Once we can create this harmony in our being on our mat while our physical body is under pressure to perform some challenging postures, we develop the skill of working under pressure.
  • Yoga slows down our thinking mind and allows us to see some of our unconscious thoughts and behaviors by making them conscious to us. Now we have an opportunity to change these behaviors.
  • Yoga brings coherence to our hearts and brain which facilitates a perfect environment to make empowering decisions.
  • A regular yoga practice from a physical aspect has literally hundreds of benefits which you can see by simply Googling the physical benefits of yoga.
  • Yoga is a practice of self-discovery in pealing back all the unwanted layers of oneself to reveal that perfect version of yourself.
  • Yoga is restorative and healing and can release unwanted negative emotions from your body which frees it up from ill health and sickness.
  • Yoga supports you in balancing the physical and immaterial parts of your being.
  • Yoga is a personal development tool to allow you to integrate more freely into your professional and personal life creating more positive results in your life.

These are just a few of the benefits that can be derived from a regular yoga practice.

I use to run for exercise before I started practising yoga over 22 years ago. I thought I would not be able to replace the workout I received from my daily running.

I was pleasantly surprised that not only did I replace it but I well and truly exceeded all expectations as far as a complete workout goes.

So, if you’re a busy professional and you want to take control of your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health to boost your daily life experience and results, give yoga a serious test drive.

I continue with a daily yoga practice and for the past 18 months (personal challenge) I have been practising yoga twice a day, morning and evening. Haven’t missed a single day.

If you are interested in executive coaching, attending a yoga class, or personal coaching for yoga mind & body connection, all to get you performing at much higher levels professionally and personally, let’s talk.

Schedule a FREE Strategy Session to discuss your goals and options.

Yoga breakthrough for busy professionals.

Paul Simos is an accomplished Executive Life Coach, Health Coach & Certified Trainer.
He has a fundamental belief about his clients which frames how they work together i.e. they already have everything they need to achieve success. His role as a coach is to stimulate and challenge his clients to unlock their successful beliefs, skills, and behavior patterns.

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