How To Bring Back The Honeymoon Feeling

How To Bring Back The Honeymoon Feeling

How to bring back the honeymoon feeling

How to bring back the honeymoon feeling. When we talk about the honeymoon phase we traditionally are referring to a personal love relationship. That’s 2 people getting together learning and discovering about each other with an intention of a long-lasting relationship.

When things are new and exciting and all is going well we call this the honeymoon period. Some may say it’s the best part of the relationship while others wish they could revisit those wonderful times again.

Why is it that with many people, after the honeymoon phase, say 3-6 months, things are not as exciting and passionate as they were in the beginning? Why is it that all of a sudden your partner is displaying habits and behaviors that you weren’t privy to during the honeymoon phase?

How could they change so quickly and in such a short period of time?

Here is one explanation.

Our Relationship Program

When we are born into the world, into our family environment, our closest parents or caregivers are the authors of many of the different programs we have.

Programs like walking, talking, our values and beliefs, our relationships with health, money, communication, and our personal relationship program. All these different programs are downloaded into our subconscious mind before the age of 7 when we develop our conscious mind.

All these programs are there to assist us in navigating life for the next 60-80-100 years on this planet. They are automatic programs that run from our subconscious mind 95% of the time.

When we are conscious only 5% of the time, we are able to deactivate some of the programs one of which is the relationship program during the honeymoon period.

How The Honeymoon Period Can Deactivate Our Subconscious Relationship Program

Our parents learned from their parents how to do relationships. When you talk to your partner you raise your voice, point your finger, use distasteful language, withdraw, stop talking for a few days, or even disappear from the house for days after an altercation.

As a child you see this behavior repeated numerous times and you download that relationship program as the handbook on how to have a love relationship.

It works really well in the home environment where you were raised because that is where the relationship program was received and activated in you.

Now that relationship program will be the program that will run in your life and the only way to shut it down is to:

  • Replace it with a better relationship program (See my Executive Coaching Service)
  • Be in a conscious state (This deactivates it and stops it from running)

The honeymoon phase is a conscious state. When we are in the honeymoon state we are wide awake, if you like, as we are experiencing something different, something new, something exciting.

We are wide awake and living in the present moment through our 5 senses.

While we are so wide awake in this conscious state we stop the subconscious relationship program from running. We are able to hide our regular relationship program.

During the honeymoon period, we are able to communicate in the present moment and enjoy the new experience without any past baggage and old programming.

That’s why we love the honeymoon period.

What happens once the honeymoon period has ended?

What Happens At The End Of The Honeymoon Period

The honeymoon period starts to come to an end when we become more familiar with our partners. It’s not as exciting as we now know each other and what to expect in the relationship.

When this happens it causes us to go unconscious and we start to activate our subconscious programs. Now, this is ok if our honeymoon relationship program is the same as our subconscious relationship program.

We are able to go unconscious and still behave in a honeymoon program way. This is what we are aiming for in all our subconscious programs.

The challenge is that most of us run 2 different programs. The honeymoon one and the other relationship program in our subconscious mind. The program we run in our subconscious mind is the one that will ultimately experience most of the time.

The relationship program in our subconscious mind, if we have never changed it, will be similar to that of our parents. If our parents have a positive loving relationship we should have the same in most cases.

So what do we need to do if we are not experiencing the honeymoon feeling in our love relationship?

How To Bring Back The Honeymoon Feeling


how to bring back the honeymoon feelingThe very first thing we need to do is to become conscious. Becoming conscious means operating out of our 5 senses. It means being fully present while in front of our loved partner.

Treat them like we did when we first met them while we were enjoying the honeymoon experience. Give them our full attention and presence communicating through our 5 senses.

When we practice this honeymoon relationship behavior consciously over a period of time it will eventually become a honeymoon subconscious relationship program.

Then when we go unconscious in front of our dearest we will have impeccable behavior and create wonderful positive results in our relationship.

Reprogramming Your Subconscious Programs

If you have a subconscious program, you would like to change, whether it’s a relationship, health, money, self-worth, communication, or career program that’s not delivering the results you want, let’s talk.

Paul Simos is an accomplished Executive Life Coach, Health Coach & Certified Trainer.
He has a fundamental belief about his clients which frames how they work together i.e. they already have everything they need to achieve success. His role as a coach is to stimulate and challenge his clients to unlock their successful beliefs, skills, and behavior patterns.

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