Workplace Learning and The New Power Skills

Workplace Learning and The New Power Skills

Workplace Learning and The New Power Skills

Workplace Learning and The New Power Skills. CME is the abbreviation for Continuing Medical Education and consists of educational activities which serve to maintain, develop, or increase the knowledge, skills and professional performance, and relationships that a physician uses to provide services for patients, the public, or the profession.

Physicians are required to accumulate credit points of education to keep their medical licenses current and up-to-date to continue to practice in a safe way.

This is mandatory in the health sector but in all other areas of business, ongoing workplace education is mostly left up to the organization or individual professionals as to whether they will continue to educate themselves or their employees on a regular ongoing basis.

What do you think?

Should it be compulsory to upgrade our skills and capabilities or should it be left up to the individual to make their own decisions on their ongoing workplace education?

Educational Wisdom From My Wife

I can still remember many years ago, when I was younger, I started to (still do) consume a large number of personal development and educational information. Books, videos, CDs, cassette tapes, (now I’m really revealing my age) seminars, were my favorite source of information.

One day back then I was reading a book and my wife interrupted me to ask a question.

Why do you read so many books? she said….

So I replied…

I want to learn more so I can become better at what I’m doing and achieve greater results.

Then she said, you’ve been reading many books but you’re still the same, nothing has changed.


That comment was great material for a marital world war 111 argument.

We exchanges a few words, me, defending myself, and she left the room.

Upon reflection, of what my wife said, “I don’t see any change in you”, in some ways she was right. Hard for me to admit.

I would read one book after another and gather a lot of intellectual knowledge. I would know a lot of theories but never put myself in a situation to test out the theory and make it experiential knowledge, where the learning really lives.

My Big Learning Lesson

My big learning lesson was, that once I consumed a book or other information, I had to apply it immediately in my life. I had to get the content into my body, not just my mind.

From my experience, all my results in my life have come from DOING, not just knowing. Yes, knowing is important and is part of the process. Knowing is not enough. We need to own the content in our body as experiential.

Living in the information age, knowing, is just not enough, if it was, we would all be the best version of ourselves enjoying everything we ever wanted in our lives.

When clients ask me questions about stress reduction (Overwhelmed mind) or other related topics, I will make some suggestions like 5 minutes of seated stillness, meditation, or regular exercise.

The first words out of their mouth are, I know that, can you tell me something different? I then ask, are you doing the things I mentioned? NO….they tell me.

Until they are applying these things in their lives, they don’t know it.

We can only know (get results from) when we are doing.

Ongoing Workplace Education

Workplace Learning and The New Power Skills

From my own personal experience in life and as an Executive Coach I can see the need and huge benefits of ongoing workplace education.

When employees are promoted to the management level from the ranks of their technical level, in most cases, they need to be skilled with some EQ skills.

Their technical skill allows them to be successful at the technical level, but this very same skill now becomes a liability at the management level.

What makes one successful at the management level is the ability to manage, motivate, solve problems, inspire, and successfully run a team. This is a different skill set (EQ skills) to their technical skill.

Despite the rise of digital technology recent research indicates that the most in-demand skills are behavioral rather than technical.
Some of these skills are but are not limited to resilience, communication, collaboration, problem-solving, leadership, etc…

If the company or the individual is not proactive in gaining these new skills, they could be setting themselves up for failure, which we don’t want.

If you’re promoting your staff from within the company you will need to be responsible to upgrade their skills to meet the challenges of the new management position.

The wonderful thing about workplace education is that we have plenty of opportunities to practice on the job. We can get the learning lessons not just on an intellectual level, but in our physical body which will show up as positive results.

The newly appointed managers I have had the opportunity to coach in various companies in Vietnam and abroad, the topic invariably revolves around EQ, managing their own emotions and that of their team.

Career promotion is just one reason for ongoing workplace education. Business, life, technology, and the way we need to show up in the world are rapidly changing.

Udemy research identifies that organizations that offer leadership training to all employees are 4.2 x more likely to outperform those that don’t in terms of revenue growth, operating margin, and return on equity.

Traditionally termed “Soft Skills” these skills are increasingly been called “Power Skills” as they provide employees “Power” at work which in turn enables them to attain personal growth, achieve professional goals, and contribute more effectively to organizational growth.

If we don’t educate ourselves in the future we will be left behind, guaranteed.

Your Ongoing Workplace Education Plan

What is your ongoing workplace education plan to keep you ahead of an ever-changing business world?

What’s one activity you can introduce into your professional life, workplace education, personal education, personal coaching, executive coaching, etc… to keep you at the top of your professional career and not be left behind?

Make a decision and take one action step today, (get it into your body) so you can produce positive results in your life immediately.

Workplace Learning and The New Power Skills.

I recently watched a Lewis Howes Podcast where he interviewed Tim Grover. Tim was the coach and trainer of Michael Jordan, Kobe Bryant, and Dwayne Wade, just to name a few high-profile professional athletes that he worked with.

Lewis asked Tim what were the 3 most important lessons, principles, ideas, or learning that he would leave behind for people to know after working with all these elite athletes.

Reflecting for just a few seconds Tim said:

  1. Control your thinking
  2. Control your emotions
  3. Control your outcome

These are the “Power Skills”  (EQ) that we all have access to, to apply in our lives and achieve the outcomes we desire and deserve.

Paul Simos is an accomplished Executive Life Coach, Health Coach & Certified Trainer.
He has a fundamental belief about his clients which frames how they work together i.e. they already have everything they need to achieve success. His role as a coach is to stimulate and challenge his clients to unlock their successful beliefs, skills, and behavior patterns.

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