Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels
Why You Will Do This One Thing Before The End Of The Year!
You owe it to yourself and your family.
Weare already 50 minutes into our 90 minute Power Yoga Class. It’s hot, we are all sweating, gasping for breath to keep going. We are into our third and final set of Warriors 1,2 & 3. The students have had enough, they want to rest, they want to give up.
It’s at this point, where they want to give up, they have been working so hard and we are just about to hit the peak of the routine before we slow down, cool down, and have a rest. They have used just about all they have to give, physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually before they collapse to the mat and take a rest.
It’s at this precise moment in time where they think they have no more to give, and I will say to them:
“Finish stronger than when you started, dig deep, keep going. Focus on what you can do, and do that!”.
They are shaking, sweating, breathing heavily, sighing, grunting, and just when they thought they had no more left to give, they dug deep, they opened up and finished the class stronger than when they started.
Resting on the mat on their backs, I can see in their faces how proud they are of their wonderful effort and dedication to give everything they had to give, overcome their limiting beliefs, and push through to victory.
Finish Stronger Than When You Started
I want to say these very same words to you right here, right now.
“Finish stronger than when you started, dig deep, keep going. Focus on what you can do, and do that!”.
We are almost at the end of the year 2021, with 2 months to go. Wow! What a year it has been!
In your every interaction and daily activity, finish stronger than when you started. If it’s an hour’s exercise, finish stronger than when you started. If it’s a business meeting, finish stronger than when you started. If you are on a sales call, finish stronger than when you started.
If you are with your family, finish strong than when you started. If you’re just about to leave work, finish stronger than when you started. In the evening before you go to bed, finish the day stronger than when you started.
Why do we want to finish everything stronger than when we started?
Because you push yourself beyond your limits every time. You increase your capacity every time. You add more value every time. You build a very powerful habit every time. You boost your confidence every time.
Your body has cellular memory. Every time you finish stronger than when you started, you recalibrate your set point. Next time you do that same activity you will be starting from a higher set point.
This is how you will grow, expand and add more value to the world. This is how you will get to experience more of the world. This is how you will skyrocket your results in your professional and personal life.
This is how you will increase your awareness, skills, and capabilities.
Take Action Now!
Let this be your new MANTRA.
“Finish stronger than when you started, dig deep, keep going. Focus on what you can do, and do that!”.
Finish everything you do stronger, better, faster.
Finish the year strong and with that momentum, imagine the breakthroughs you will have and what you will create in 2022 and beyond.
Get this one habit under your belt and life will never be the same again!