You Are Already Perfect; Just the Way You Are. When I have the very first meeting with a potential client, before we start our coaching program together, I want to know what is going on in their life and how I can support them.
We spend 60 to 90 minutes together, sharing and talking about their life. Where they lived as children, what it was like growing up, how were your parents, and what did they do for a living.
I really want to experience and put myself in their shoes to understand from their perspective what their childhood and young adolescent life was like.
What country were you born in, and what was the culture like. Did your parents have any strong values and beliefs? What were they?
Were there some situations that you did not like and still can remember to this day?
How do you feel about your past, was it a positive or more of a negative experience?
We take a deep dive into their past and endeavor to leave no stone unturned for our allocated time.
The potential client will share with me everything they can remember with all the challenges and problems leading right up to the present moment, including all the reasons why they have come to see me today.
Now that I have actively listened and asked powerful questions for 90 minutes, I have a particularly good view and understanding of the mechanics of their situation. For me, it becomes noticeably clear, as to what is going on, and already formulating in my head some corrective strategies that can be immediately applied.
Now, the person in front of me, will look at me and make a comment, something like this:
“I guess you have never seen such a hard case like mine before, too complicated and broken to fix?”
I will allow their words to land on me with a smile and respond.
“Actually”, I will say, “You Are Already Perfect, Just the Way You Are, there is nothing wrong with you”.
“What the……….”, will come straight back at me with, “haven’t you heard a word I said for the last 90 minutes?”.
You Are Already Perfect; Just the Way You Are
When they get over the shock of my comment, they are very enthusiastic and happy regarding my explanation.
We need to make a distinction between who we are (our Essence) and what we do (our behavior).
We run behavioral programs 95% of the time during any given day. Some programs work very well and give us the desired outcomes we want.
Other programs are outdated, redundant, and just do not work in our current environment whether that is in our professional or personal life.
Once they hear these words, there is a big sigh of relief, that essentially, they are ok.
Now they are looking and feeling noticeably more confident to start working together in re-programming their behavioral programs (no different from a computer) to be in line with the results they want to see in their professional and personal life.
During the next 3 months, we will work closely together, loving the process, of creating the future version of how they wish to be and how they want to show up in the world.
In Summary
We have learned a whole bunch of programs in our lives that we run daily. These programs are producing the results that are showing up in our life.
If you don’t like your results, it’s time to change your program.
You could say I’m an IT Engineer, or a computer programmer because I’m working with programs (behavioral programs) all day long.
Want to create your own Transformation in our 3 months Transformational Coaching Program?
Message me now to get started.
Paul Simos is an accomplished Executive Life Coach, Health Coach & Certified Trainer.
He has a fundamental belief about his clients which frames how they work together i.e. they already have everything they need to achieve success. His role as a coach is to stimulate and challenge his clients to unlock their successful beliefs, skills, and behavior patterns.
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