Be The Change You Want To See In Your Family

Be The Change You Want To See In Your Family

Be the change you want to see in your family

Be the change you want to see in your family. Living in the information age, it is not enough to know, we need to know how and become. We are closer to an abundance of knowledge and information than we have ever been before in the history of the world.

At the click of a button or the sound of our voice, we can get an answer to any question we ask in a matter of seconds.

We are very well informed and have knowledge on any subject we want, health, career, business, finances, science, psychology, the world, space, you name it, we can have it at our fingertips in a split second.

Having said that, has it made us any happier than our ancestors who had much less?

We, as a collective, are most probably the saddest, unfulfilled, fearful, angry, greedy, civilization that has existed that is living in the Garden of Eden, and we just can’t see it.

We have access to the abundance of the world at our fingertips and we can’t even see past our noses.

We are living in air-conditioned homes, have fresh running water to drink, an abundance of food to eat, comfortable beds to sleep in, toilets to take our waste away, clothes to wear, cars to drive, and all sorts of technology at our fingertips, travel, and we are miserable as ever.

Having more is not making us happy.

Wake up, wake up, wake up.

What are we teaching our children and future generations?

A very important person once said:

“Be the change you want to see in the world”.
– Mahatma Gandhi

This is a great quote and it highlights an endpoint in changing the world. Creating a better world. For many of us, this can appear overwhelming and hard to imagine its fulfilment.

Changing the world is a big task.

What if we were to attain the same end result, but in a more achievable and manageable manner?

Be the change you want to see in your family.

Be The Change You Want To See In Your Family

Be the change you want to see in your family

If every family changes, the world automatically changes. It can be that simple.

If we just focus on our own family, BE THE EXAMPLE, for them to change to see and access the already existing abundance our world has on offer.

Those of us who have children already know that our children don’t do what we say, they do what we do, correct?

We as parents and caregivers need to be that example. We need to shut up and step up.

We humans have inside of us something called Mirror Neurons which is a brain cell that reacts both when a particular action is performed and when it is only observed.

You’ve heard the saying, monkey sees, monkey does. We perform the same actions we see others doing. That’s the mirror neurons at work.

If we are serious about changing the world, we need to start making that change ourselves, in our own families which will then cause a ripple effect in the world.

How To Be The Change You Want To See In Your Family

It can be as simple as a 3-step process.

Step 1: Make a list of all the positive qualities, behaviors, and results you would like to see in your partner and children.

We could make a list starting from the different areas of our life. Health, communication, career, education, finances, relationships, lifestyle, community, contribution, environmental awareness, global awareness, etc.

How would you like to see your family excelling in these areas?

Let’s take health for example. Would you like to see your family,

  • Exercising regularly
  • Eating a wholesome healthy balanced diet
  • Managing the quantity of food consumed
  • Resting
  • Sleeping 8 hours a night
  • Regular in-person social contact
  • Consuming healthy intellectual content (feeding the brain)
  • Abundance of energy
  • Healthy BMI weight ratio
  • Be in bed before 10 PM
  • Balancing the use of technology
  • Environmental consciousness
  • Planetary consciousness
  • Enjoying the abundance of life and the world

The list can go on and on. You can start to add to this list by writing down what you think is important in the field of health.

Once you have your positive list of qualities, behaviors and results we can move to step No 2.

Step 2: You start to practice the list that you just completed and become that person.

Be the change you want to see in your family

You will now BECOME the change you want to see in your family.

You will start to activate your partner’s and children’s Mirror Neurons through your physical example, YOU’RE DOING.

I encourage my executive clients who coach with me, to embody all intellectual knowledge as soon as they discover it to ensure its benefits. Get it into your body and teach your family the same.

We need to get to work and embody our entire list of qualities, behaviors, and results, so we become walking, talking, action people who will inspire our family with OUR ACTIONS AND RESULTS.

Our family is so much more likely to change not because we tell them, but because we showed them how to do it.

You’ve heard the saying, “we are the average of the 5 closest people we associate with”. We are one of those 5 people to all our family members. We have just raised the average, for our family, by stepping up and leading by example.

Practice, practice, practice until our new healthy habits have dropped into our subconscious mind, as a program, and when we go unconscious, our positive health habits program will continue to produce positive results in our health and in our life.

Now that we have selected and become the best version of ourselves in one area of our life, health, we now can move on to step number 3.

Step 3: Repeat steps 1 & 2

Continue this process in all areas of your family’s life so you being the role model, can lead them, and inspire them, to be the best version of themselves causing a ripple effect in the world.

This is one way we can change the world, one family at a time, which I believe is very achievable if we all work within our own family.

If you would like to work on a strategy for how this will look for your family, let’s have a conversation.

So let’s get to work and be the change we want to see in our family and the world.

Paul Simos is an accomplished Executive Life Coach, Health Coach & Certified Trainer.
He has a fundamental belief about his clients which frames how they work together i.e. they already have everything they need to achieve success. His role as a coach is to stimulate and challenge his clients to unlock their successful beliefs, skills, and behavior patterns.

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