Photo by Roman Kraft on Unsplash
One Very Simple and Effective Way To Flip Suffering Into Pleasure.
“Between stimulus and response, there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and freedom” – Viktor Frankl –
We are the cause of our suffering if we are not proactive to alleviate it through the proper use of our minds.
It’s been a super stressful and busy day at work and as you pull into the driveway, you can’t wait to drop into your favorite chair, kick off your shoes and have a cold ice drink.
Thank goodness every day isn’t like this. Upon reflection, those days appear to be more frequent than you like. Hmmm.
You just can’t wait to enter the lounge room, your favorite room in the house, and get comfortable so you can totally relax.
Walking up the front stairs you notice the door is ajar. Did I leave it open this morning on the way to work?
The smell of wet paint strikes your nostrils as you push the door open. Gingerly walking down the hallway to your favorite room, the smell of paint gets stronger.
Opening the lounge room you are hit with a horrific sight.
The main feature wall in your favorite room has been trashed. Someone has used paint and graffitied the main feature wall. Horrible, ugly pictures of skulls, crossbones, and blobs of paint of various different colors are all over the main feature wall.
It’s an absolute disaster to see it, not to mention the strong smell of wet oil-based paint.
You spend the rest of the night calling the police, giving a statement, and answering a whole bunch of questions before you are once again alone in the house.
The police have left and all you can see is that shocking wall covered in paint.
How We Cause Our Suffering
You have a bright idea that you will leave the wall exactly how it is. You decide not to clean it. You decide not to paint over it. You decided to leave it exactly as it is.
Every time you come into your favorite room you get angry, sad, and even depressed to see such a disaster. When you think about it a whole bunch of negative emotions come up and upset you.
You can’t invite friends over because every time you see it you complain and whine all the time because of this injustice. This picture of a disaster is controlling your mood, your state, and your behavior, and it’s all negative.
One Very Simple and Effective Way To Flip Suffering Into Pleasure

Listen up BIG time.
The favorite room represents our mind
The ugly picture / Wall represents the thinking/focus of our mind
Many of us continue to keep in our mind pictures of the past that upset us. Many of us continue to focus on these upsetting pictures of the past and allow them to destroy our state of mind. This in turn impacts our emotions in a very negative way. Then our behavior is a direct response to the negative input of our minds focus, which is not good.
Our mind works in pictures and if we continue to show horror movies in our mind of past events then our present and future will not be any different.
Create a wonderful future in your mind now. Focus on those great pictures and start to take action towards your positive future and not the negative memories of the past.
In our Self Leadership Training, we will work with you in REFRAMING your past to release the negative emotions connected to past events.
We can’t change the past. What we can do is release all negative emotions, gather up our positive learnings and bring them into the present moment.
A young Entrepreneur did just that recently at one of our seminars and now she loves her past because she understands and is empowered that her past made her who she is today. Moving forward she is now free to make different choices in her life.
REFRAME your past, play awesome movies in your mind of the future, taking positive action steps towards the new you.
We are the cause of our suffering if we don’t choose to change the movie of our minds.
Paul Simos is an accomplished Executive Life Coach, Health Coach & Certified Trainer.
He has a fundamental belief about his clients which frames how they work together i.e. they already have everything they need to achieve success. His role as a coach is to stimulate and challenge his clients to unlock their successful beliefs, skills, and behavior patterns.
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