Office Communication Breakdown To Breakthrough

Office communication break down to breakthrough

Office Communication Breakdown To Breakthrough.

Just over 3 months ago I was contacted by a middle-aged businessman who was stuck in his current communication and behavior which was causing stress and pain in his business and personal life.

These are a few of the presenting symptoms he was experiencing which were revealed in our first coaching conversation.

I want to:

  • Stop micro-managing people…
  • Learn to motivate people rather than criticize them…
  • Stop being so angry and stressed…
  • Get people to want to work with me…
  • Learn to be organized and structured…
  • Stop being so picky about stupid stuff…
  • Be creative but not crazy creative…
  • Work on what’s important…
  • Allow for people to fail or not hit the spot – then work to get better results…
  • Communicate in ways that others understand and are encouraged to participate…
  • encourage my team rather than diminish them…
  • Stop being mean to me and also my team…
  • Stop my angry outbursts…
  • Be more disciplined…
  • Enjoy going to work…

We made a list of all the behaviors that he didn’t want to show and exhibit any longer and the ones he did want to start displaying in his everyday communication.

Once we got everything down on paper to identify the presenting symptoms, I then asked the question, what do you want? In one sentence, how can you say exactly, what you want?

We, humans, are very interesting… Most of us know very well what we don’t want, yet, when we are asked, what we do want, we normally draw a blank, lose our tongue and go quiet…

We brainstormed together and eventually made a list of all the habits and behaviors that he did want, which was almost the opposite of part of the above list.

We then created a SMART goal that encapsulated all those new positive behaviors.

Then we went to work…

Together, during our weekly coaching sessions, we have been creating a new and better vision for the future of exactly how he will communicate. This new and improved way of communicating is been acted upon daily with the big vision and goal in mind.

If we don’t have a compelling vision of the future and focus on that, we will be recreating the past. Not what we want to do.

By applying his goal to the Logical Levels, we are identifying which levels need to be recalibrated in his life to be in alignment with his goal to achieve the desired results.

Logical Levels Hierarchy:

  • Purpose
  • Identity
  • Values & Beliefs
  • Skills & Capabilities
  • Behaviors
  • Environment

We work on all 6 levels to ensure speedy delivery and outstanding results in the achievement of his communication goal.

We are very pleased to say that new awareness, habits, and behaviors are taking more of a front seat in his daily interactions and communications, with those old and not-so-positive habits and behaviors, disappearing into the background.

Understand this…

When we are motivated, sick, and tired (threshold) of our old habits and behaviors that just aren’t working anymore and apply ourselves with a proven system of support and permanent change, we can make the most stubborn of habits and behaviors disappear.  

Our habits and behaviors are creating our results in life and that’s exactly what we are experiencing. If you don’t like the results in your relationships, health, career, or finances, start looking at creating better habits and behaviors to guarantee you exactly what you want in your life.

If our habits and behaviors stay the same, so will our results and experience.

Would you like some support, accountability, and new habits and behaviors to kick off the New Year 2021?

Office Communication Breakdown To Breakthrough.

Paul Simos is an accomplished Executive Life Coach, Health Coach & Certified Trainer.

He has a fundamental belief about his clients which frames how they work together i.e. they already have everything they need to achieve success. His role as a coach is to stimulate and challenge his clients to unlock their successful beliefs, skills, and behavior patterns.

 Free Masterclass Training, How To Get More Successful Outcomes In Your Professional & Personal Relationships… By Saying “NO” (The Right Way)…

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