The Boomerang Effect On Our Thoughts And Our Words

The Boomerang Effect On Our Thoughts And Our Words The Boomerang Effect On Our Thoughts And Our Words.

The Boomerang Effect On Our Thoughts And Our Words. For those who are from Australia or have some connection to Australia are more than likely familiar with the indigenous Aborigines….

They were the inhabitants of Australia before the English settlers landed and started to occupy Australia and make it their new home…

The Aborigines lived on the land and would hunt their food with masterful tools they created so they could survive…

One of those famous tools is called the Boomerang….

You may have heard of it?…

The Boomerang was a hand carved piece of wood, almost like a the letter “L” with even sides….

The Aborigines would throw the Boomerang in such a way it would go out and return back to you, it was amazing….

It was a real art to throw the Boomerang away from you and it would magically return back to where you where standing…

If you were really good you could catch it in your hand upon its return…

Stop, listen up….

Its exactly the same principle with our THOUGHTS & WORDS….

On an energetic level, spiritual level, our thoughts and words our part of our creation model of how we co-create our reality….

Just like the Boomerang our thoughts and words will come back to us once we send them out…

If that’s what you want in life, keep sending it out, keep thinking about it, keep talking about it, and you will surely experience it…

If not, only think and say what you do want…

The challenge is that we are on auto pilot, past conditioning, and we have little awareness of what I’m thinking and saying….

Solution – slow down, back up, go within, observe, become conscious of your thoughts and words….

This is where awareness kicks in and once we have awareness we have the power to change our thoughts, change our words and replace them with what I want to co-create…

Now your creating a conscious Boomerang Effect with your thoughts and words which brings you into conscious living….

When we are consciously creating we are back in the driver seat of our life experiences…

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