Who Are We Really Working For Most Of The Time?

Who Are We Really Working For Most Of The Time?Who Are We Really Working For Most Of The Time?

Who Are We Really Working For Most Of The Time? When we are working for an employer or have our own business or studying at university or school for that matter, who am I working for?…

Yes, I know we are working for our boss, our own company or school teachers on a surface level…

Who am I really working for?…

You may hear from time to time in the workplace how employees debate about certain jobs and tasks are not their responsibility and not in their job description….

The mindset it just do their job, nothing else, just enough to remain employed….

We are working for OURSELVES…

Everything we do is definitely severing our employer and at the same time we are learning, growing and evolving…

Everything we learn on the job becomes part of us forever while we are still on earth…

We own the growth and experience…

The more work I take on, the better I become, the more value I can add to the company and the world….

We are been employed to learn, grow and develop ourselves and the more conscious and aware I become at work the more of a master I become at my craft…

We are been paid to become a master….

When you have a mindset such as this you will start to create opportunities and experiences of a whole different nature…

While we are on the job, we want to move quickly, take on more responsibility, learn and grow as much as possible so we can continue to increase our contribution and growth so its a win / win for everyone…

We have 2 spiritual needs…

– Growth
– Contribution

When these to are met in a positive way happiness will be a permanent guest in our lives…

Imagine, just imagine, if we applied the same mindset to our health, relationships, finances etc… And learned how to grow in these areas as well…

The more I grow and develop the more my life grows and develops….

Food for thought…

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