Inner Conflict As To What Direction I Should Take Next

inner conflictInner conflict as to what direction I should take next.

Have you ever had a inner conflict where one part of you wanted one thing which was very positive and another part of you wanted to go in a different direction which was equally as positive yet you could not make your mind up as to which direction to go?
Yes, me too, it happens to most of us.

We are been pulled in two different directions, almost equally as good as each other and our mind is spinning, burning excessive amounts of energy, getting distracted, unable to focus while trying to find peace and a decision that will be a win/win for us and those around us.

Should I stay in this…

⁃ Relationship or leave…
⁃ London or live in Australia…
⁃ Career or change careers…
⁃ Company or move to another…

At times we are confronted with this inner conflict which is debilitating mentally and physically while taking us off our game and stopping us from moving forward.

Last year in one of our workshops I performed a demo with a Doctor who was conflicted in her career.

She just left one job which had certain opportunities for another job which had different opportunities for her.

3 weeks into the new job she felt an inner conflict if she had done the right thing.

In the workshop I did a NLP Process called PARTS INTEGRATION to help her resolve that inner conflict so she could move forward, conserve her energy and use it for more productive things, like building a solid career, a wonderful life.

Once complete you could see the peace, the integration, reconciliation in her face in her body language.

She continues to work in her current job and is performing very well.

Listen up.

Most of us don’t like conflict, especially an inner conflict that completely distracts us and has no value.

If you are going through some inner conflict I can strongly recommend PARTS INTEGRATION as an awesome process and tool to get you back up and running again.

Understand this.

When we are whole and complete without any inner conflict we can perform in an exceptionally great state, a PEAK STATE to do our best work.

Here’s the deal.

If you think inner conflict is holding your back from using your full potential you will definitely be interested in our next NLP Workshop or booking in for a PARTS INTEGRATION coaching session.

Register here: NLP Practitioner Workshop


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