What is NLP, Really?

what is nlp, reallyWhat is NLP, Really?

What is NLP really, is a question I get often from people who have never heard of NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) or people who are confused by the variety that NLP offers.

You may have heard some of these responses.

NLP is…

– Body Language…
– Building Rapport…
– Getting results…
– How we see the world…
– Modelling other people…
– Sensory Acuity…
– Reprogramming my mind…
– High energy…
– Feeling good…
– Re-framing my experiences…
– Cause & effect…

This list could go on and on and on, so we can already see how there can be some confusion as to what is NLP, Really?


What is NLP, Really?


Without been technical, let me share with you what is NLP, really, is in terms I know you will fully and completely understand.
NLP is the modelling of Excellence. Modelling of excellence in two ways.
1) Modelling of excellence in ourselves.
2) Modelling of excellence in others


Modelling of excellence in ourselves


Have you ever woken up in the morning, got out of bed, and felt miserable? You were tired, couldn’t think straight and as you went through the day, nothing appeared to work. Couldn’t get the right words to say, had no focus and it felt like nothing was working at all today?

Other days you wake up and almost spring out of bed. You’re alive, you’re awake and feel full of energy and can’t wait to get the day started. You say the right words, people are smiling at you and your whole day flows beautifully well, as if the universe is on your side today?
Same person with 2 different results.

NLP offers a collection tools and techniques which have been available in the world forever, used by Master Communicators, and only recently identified and compiled in an easy to use format. We use these tools to model our own excellence (our good days) to make them more frequent and consistent in our lives to create the results that we really want. We can call this “Up Time”, when I’m operating from a place of excellence.

These tools will assist us in identifying our “Up Time” behavior and replicating it so we have more “Up Time” than “Down Time”, (bad days) on a daily basis to further increase our results and outcomes.


Modelling of Excellence in Others


This is when we use the same NLP tools and techniques to model excellent behavior and or skills in another person.

For example:
Let’s imagine I’m a sales person and my sales per month are ok, just ok, nothing special. I want to improve my sales. I want to double my sales of this year of 2019.

What I do is locate another sales person who is already achieving the monthly sales goal that I want to reach. I will use different NLP tools and techniques to find out exactly how he is achieving those monthly sales.

It’s like baking a cake. To get the perfect cake I need to know the exact ingredients that’s going into making the perfect cake and model the person who is already getting those results. There are specific steps, order and sequence that makes the perfect cake. I model those steps, order and sequence.

It’s the same in our sales example. There are specific steps, order and sequence of how the sales person is operating to get those results. Once I elicit those steps, order and sequence, install them in myself, I too will get the same or very similar results.

We can model other people in all the different areas of our life where we know we can achieve much greater results, by using more of our untapped potential.
This could be in our…

– Health…
– Relationships…
– Communication…
– Career…
– Finances…
– Personal growth…
– Contribution…
– Fun / Relaxation…

Why would we want to re-invent the wheel when we can model someone else’s results, when we want those same results, and reduce the time by two thirds in achieving it.
Now you can simply explain what is NLP, really.

NLP is the modelling of excellence in ourselves and others.

In our Personal Coaching Service and upcoming Mega Living Workshop (New Year’s Resolution and Goal Setting) and NLP Workshops we will teach you all the tools and techniques of NLP that you need to know to Master Excellence in Yourself and Model the Excellent behavior and Skills of others.


Remember to join me on Face Book or Subscribe to my YouTube Channel where most of the action happens.

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