How to Create The WOW Factor in Our Body?

how to create the wow factor in our bodyHow to Create The WOW Factor in Our Body?

How to create the wow factor in our body was a question that Ron asked after meeting with his wife’s CEO.

What do you mean Ron, the “WOW Factor”?

Ron attended his wife’s company Christmas party last weekend and was introduced to the CEO of this Medical Business. Before he even had a chance to speak with her Ron could see there was something different, something special about her.

Reflecting back Ron mentioned these attributes:

– Standing tall and confident…
– Looked very calm and relaxed…
– Very inviting persona…
– Calm and gentle voice…
– Lovely energy…

There was just something special about her, it’s hard to put my finger on it.

These were some of the attributes that Ron could articulate as he was thinking about his experience with the CEO.

After Ron had spoken to this CEO, she shared a few stories about some of her career challenges working as a CEO in corporate life, that made Ron even more puzzled about her “WOW Factor”.

How did she develop that presence, that energy, that special way of showing up?

It’s a great question because Ron wants to create the same type of presence in his body.

How Do We Create a Strong, Physically Fit Body?

We need to exercise. We need to take our body to the gym and work out. Also, we will need to eat healthy, vibrant, water rich foods and a balanced diet. Do these activities and we will be well on our way to having a wonderful fit body.

This is the cause and effect process of having a physically fit body.

How to Create The “WOW Factor” in Our Body?

We need to exercise. We need to exercise our SPIRITUAL MUSCLE, our IMMATERIAL MUSCLE, our PSYCHOLOGICAL MUSCLE. It is the part of us that we can’t see, touch, or smell yet the spiritual part of us can detect it in another as Ron detected it in the CEO.

How do we exercise this part of our being if it is IMMATERIAL?

Working the physical body is one small part of it, so what is the other bigger part that we need to work on to create this “WOW Factor”?

We need to exercise our mind. We need to take control of our thinking. We need to be in charge of our thoughts and not let them lead us down the garden path to places we don’t want to go.

Ok Paul right… How do we exercise our mind, which is IMMATERIAL, to achieve this “WOW Factor”?


Meditation is one of the major exercises we can perform to WIP our mind into shape to create that “WOW Factor” in our life.

If you are not already meditating, you are leaving so much potential on the table of the BANQUET OF LIFE.

Learn to meditate.

Make it part of your daily rituals and as you build this IMMATERIAL muscle of the mind you too will be in possession of the “WOW Factor”.

Now you know how to create the wow factor in our body.

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