I am Open and Receptive to All Good

i am open and receptive to all goodI am Open and Receptive to All Good.

I am Open and Receptive to All Good…Repeat that sentence out loud.

“I am Open and Receptive to All Good”. How does that feel? Does it really feel wonderful for everybody?

Too often we sit, or people come to me and want more prosperity in their lives and I see them sitting with their arms folded across their chest. How are we ever going to let the prosperity in, how are we ever going to let it in?

Standing tall with both arms open out wide is a wonderful symbolic gesture to the universe that I am open and receptive to all good. When you do something like this the universe notices. We want to let all good into our lives.

Who would like more Prosperity in our lives?

Yes me too…

People think prosperity is just about having more money but really there are many things that come under the auspices of Prosperity.

There is…

– Time
– Love
– Joy
– Success
– Comfort
– Beauty
– Wisdom
– Good health
– Money

We can feel really poor in time, if we feel really rushed all the time or feel pressured, we have poverty in our time. If we feel we have all the time in the world and we will get finished all the things we want to get done and it will happen. Then we are prosperous in time.

Now what about success. If we feel it’s really way beyond our reach, then we are never going to get it. If we feel we can be successful, whatever that means to us, then that’s wonderful, that’s prosperity.

Comfort, how many of us are prosperous in comfort? Do we live lives that are very uncomfortable, hard and tight?

Wisdom, do we have prosperity in wisdom? Do we feel that all the wisdom of the world is available to us or do we think, I’m just me, I don’t know very much, I can’t figure things out? If we feel that we are really connected with the universe and really trust that part of us that’s inside, then we can be absolutely prosperous in the abundance of wisdom.

What about love? Do we feel we have an abundance of love or are we very poor in love? Do we have just a little bit of it in our lives?

How about joy? Do we feel really prosperous and have an abundance of joy? Or is that something we just allow yourself a little bit every now and then? Or are we really poor in joy?

What about beauty? Do we see beauty everywhere? Do we allow ourselves to experience an abundance of beauty?

How about good health? Do we have no health, are we poor in good health? Or are we prosperous in health and have an abundance of good health?

And of cause there’s money. What do we let ourselves have? Are we poor in money or do we have an abundance of it?

I love the image of standing at the foot of the ocean of life with a container. Some people have a cup, others a bucket, some a small thimble while others have a pipe line. In the ocean of life there is enough for everyone.

Our containers that we use at the ocean of life is our consciousness.

The more we expand our consciousness the more we can experience the abundance of life.

I am open and receptive to all good.

Remember to join me on Face Book where most of the action happens.

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