What Type of experience am I Creating

what type of experience am i creatingWhat Type of Experience Am I Creating.

What Type of Experience Am I creating is most probably something that you have not thought too much about or have you? I never thought much about it until recently, like over the past few years.

When you think about it, life is just a lot of little or big experiences all joined together to create our life.

Now, some people have great experiences and good on them, while others have less than great experiences. Then there is everyone else in between.

When we are at the cause of our life we accept 100% responsibility for all our experiences in life.

What Type of Experience Am I Creating. 

Have you ever thought about how to create better life experiences for yourself and those around you?

I have thought about it a lot and in doing so created ways of showing up in life that would elevate my life experience and those around me.

It’s one of my personal goals to create a wonderful experience with everyone I meet. When I do this, they feel great and I do too.

Allow me to give you a quick example of how I do this when I’m instructing a yoga class.

From the very moment I enter the premises where I will be teaching I’m already 100% switched on looking to engage my clients. While walking towards the change room if I see someone I will engage them with a big smile and hello.

When I walk into the yoga room I’m looking to see who is there. Once someone makes eye contact with me I will engage them, acknowledge them with a handshake, a nod of the head or a good morning.

Before the class has even begun, it’s my mission to make contact with everyone and give them some energy.

Now as the class begins it’s time to create an experience they will never forget by achieving certain milestones of working their physical body while at the same time slowing down their monkey mind and mentally relaxing.

Through slow movements, controlling my eyes, modulating my voice and giving clients permission to do what they can and always rest when they need it. It’s not about me, it’s about them and doing their best today with what they have. They can be the judge of how hard they push themselves.

It’s my job to create the best possible environment for them to excel and shine which they do in every class.

Once the class is over I acknowledge their hard work and continue to give them energy until they have all left the room.

I stay fully switched on (I will tell you how to get switched on and remain switched on in another post) until I have completely left the premises.

Giving 100% to whoever I’m in front of is how I create an awesome experience for them and myself.

When I’m showing up in life using all my resources, switched on, it’s so energizing for me and I see those in front of me feel served and appreciated and energized as well.

How are we showing up in life, what type of experience am I creating for myself and those around me?

Remember to join me on Face Book where most of the action happens.

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