Are You Interested or Are You Committed?

are you interested or are you committedAre You Interested or Are You Committed?

This was the question that was asked of John Assaraf by Mr Alan Brown.

Are you INTERESTED in achieving your life’s goals and dreams or are you COMMITTED in achieving your life’s goals and dreams?

If I’m interested I would do what is CONVENIENT and if I was committed I would do WHATEVER IT TAKES…

If you’re interested you will do what’s convenient…you will believe your stories and excuses and you will continue to be a victim of your current reality and circumstances. You will come up with all the reasons why you can’t achieve those goals and that’s what you will be focusing on for the rest of your life.

He said the big difference is…

If you are committed you’ll start TODAY to let go of your stories, your excuses, your reasons why you’re NOT achieving your results right now and why you can’t achieve any of those goals and dreams you wrote down on this piece of paper.

He said if your committed you will upgrade your knowledge…

If you’re committed you will upgrade your skills…

If you’re committed you’ll come in every single day and figure out how to achieve those goals and why you must versus why you can’t and why you won’t.

Are You Interested or Are You Committed?…

After he explained the difference between INTEREST and COMMITTMENT to me I put my hand out and shook his hand and said, “Mr Brown I’M COMMITTED.

Continued Here….

Please share with me YOUR COMMITMENT…

Remember to join me on Face Book where most of the action happens…

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