What is Your Greatest Asset?

what is your greatest assetWhat is your greatest asset?

What is your greatest asset, is a question that could send you into a tizzy as 100’s of pictures float to the surface of your conscious mind…

My Home…
My Car…
My job…
My Investment portfolio…
My friends…
My clothes…
My partner…
My Jet Ski…
My dog…
My photo album…

I’m sure we all have those one or two things, which may not be a high dollar item, yet it is so close to our heart, it is our greatest asset.

Take some time, slow down… think a little deeper about the question, what is my greatest asset?

In the mean time I would like too invite you to learn more about Bob and Dominik.

Bob is currently a middle manager for a logistics company and has been in the position for 8 months. Bob longest serving job at any one company is 4 years.

He has a great social life and once the job is over for the day he will make time to catch up with his friends. Bob loves a drink or 2 and really enjoys time with his mates.

Unfortunately Bob now lives on his own as he is separated from his wife of 12 years. He has 2 sons who live with their mother.

Bob doesn’t have much time for learning. He says he is now 45 years old and has been around long enough to see how things work. Bob has some very strong opinions on a lot of different subjects.

Bob accepts his body is bigger than he would like and says at his age you have to expect to get bigger and have your body slow down and not perform as well as it did when he were younger.

At work Bob has a few communication challenges with younger up and coming managers who have creative new ideas to implement but Bob’s fixed attitude stops the younger talent from rising up and contributing.

As Bob gets older he is more resentful of others around him who appear to have more opportunities and a much more fulfilling life.

Then we have Dominik…

Dominik is also a middle manager for a construction company. Dominik has been with the company for 15 years and worked his way up from the workshop floor all the way to COO, Chief Operations Officer.

Dominik loves to learn new things and you will always find him attending a workshop, seminar or showing interest in his staff who can teach him something new.

After work Dominik goes for his daily 10 km run. He has a lean and muscular build, has an abundance of energy and looks years younger than he really is.

Dominik is great with people and has learned how to socialize with others and bring the best out of them.

He has a lovely wife, son and daughter who he spends time with during the evenings and most weekends.

Dominik is constantly learning and growing while at the same time adding value at the company he works, his family and friends.

Dominik understands the more he learns, grows and contributes in life the more opportunities appear in front of him that he can enjoy and share with others.

Understand this…

“We are by far our greatest asset”, Warren Buffet.


Remember to join MY FACE BOOK where all the action happens.

We are our greatest asset.

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