What We Resist Persists

what we resist persistsWhat we Resist Persists

What we resist persists. Sometimes we encounter experiences in our lives that are not very pleasant. Our first reaction is to push back against it. To fight it, talk about it, complain about it.

When we resist the things in our lives that make us angry and upset, keep talking about them and giving them energy they will remain a main focus in our lives and create emotions and feeling that we would rather not experience…

When we are suffering either psychological, because things aren’t going the way I thought they would, or physically with some illness or pain in our body…The more focus they get the larger and more painful they appear to us.

When unpleasant things appear in my life I very rarely talk about them and give them energy as we know what we focus on in our lives tend to grow and get bigger.

Now… if we stopped resisting and just accept “What is” in our lives, our experiences would be more pleasant…

Sure, it will still be uncomfortable and when we change our focus the intensity will start to diminish as we give our attention to other things in our environment.

Let me share an example…

During my recent holiday I twisted my lower back in a sudden movement while standing in a bus.

The next day I could not move, it was so severe, I was lying in bed and was wondering how the hell am I going to get out of bed not to mention finish my holiday. I have not experienced this type of debilitating pain for decades.

I was overseas on a tour…in and out of buses every day…different hotels every night…dragging my 30 Kilo’s of luggage (I packed a few extra things…) behind me everywhere I went.

I was entertaining thoughts in my head like, “I may have to abandon the tour and go to hospital and stay still for a few weeks before I return home!”

It was only the second day of my tour and I could be really pissed off if I wanted to be.

I could tell myself stories that my holiday has been ruined,it’s over, poor me.

I chose to accept “what is.”

I chose to accept my current circumstances and work with what I had.

I focused on what I wanted, my outcome, and took action steps to make it happen.

Long story short…I completed the tour and had an amazing experience.

I knew enough about my body to get it going again and that process started in my mind. I made a decision that I will not only complete but also enjoy my holiday and make it one of the best.

I got moving again on buses, trains, boats and airplanes and was able to enjoy my entire experience.

It’s amazing when we stop fighting “what is” and accept and work with what you have, life becomes so much easier.

When I reflect back in my mind to that holiday I can only recall all the great and wonderful experiences I had during that time. For some reason I have no bad memories of this trip at all.

By focusing on what I wanted and not my lack of mobility and pain I was able to create an awesome experience and memories that I will always cherish.

Understand this…

Life will often throw us curve balls when we least expect it and want it.

Our job is to accept “what is” work with it and put all our energy and focus into what we do want. Put our focus into the experiences that we do want to create and remember forever.

What we focus on in life expands and the things we take our focus from shrink and eventually disappear.

We are more powerful and capable than we realize to create the life we want.

What we resist persists.

Remember to join MY FACE BOOK where all the action happens.

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