The Past Does Not Have to Equal The Future

the past does not have to equal the futureThe Past Does Not Have to Equal the Future

We are not our past actions or behaviors however good or bad they were.

We ARE human beings and NOT OUR Actions.

We are who we are…Not what we do…

When we look back into our past we see…

– Poor health – obesity & no energy…
– Failed relationships – divorced or living alone…
– Career disaster… One job after the next…
– Mental Stagnation – stop learning…
– Negative outlook on life…

This is not who we are this is what we do…

The challenge is over time we start to believe the result we are getting in our lives is who we are.

– I got a big frame & slow metabolism that why I’m fat…
– I had 2 unpleasant relationships so I’m more suited to the single life…
– I can’t communicate effectively so need to keep changing jobs…
– When I read & learn I can’t focus and have always been like that since school…
– Life is very difficult these days with technology causing many social problems…

If we continue to think and act the same way we will definitely create the same results in our lives.

When we focus, think about and talk about the past that didn’t work we are actually recreating the same.

How can we learn from the past without repeating the same patterns and producing the same results in our lives and perpetuating it into the future?

1) Magnificent Obsession – Focus on what you do want until you get it –
– Get very clear what you do want to create in your life. Think about it, talk about it, visualize it continuously and make it your Magnificent Obsession. For example, if I want to have a loving relationship and get married I will make that my Magnificent Obsession until I’ve brought it into reality. Whatever you direct all your energy towards must grow and materialize. It’s an immutable law of nature – what you focus on grows…

2) Role Model – Find someone who already has what you want –
– Now that you know what you want you go out and find your Role Model. We know there are people out there that have wonderful loving relationships. Find out what they did and do the same. You can talk to them as they could be your colleagues or friends. Read about them in books. Once you start looking you will see them everywhere.

3) Action, Action, Action – Start taking the action steps your Role Models have taken to get the positive outcomes that they now enjoy. Every action we take will lead to a specific result. The actions you are doing now are giving you the results you are currently getting. Different actions will give you different results – another immutable law of nature…

4) Engage a Coach or Mentor – Yes, engage a Coach or Mentor who can EMPOWER YOU to take the necessary action steps to get that loving relationship or whatever your heart desires. If you have already been trying for a while with not the results you want you will need some external support to get you started. This will also short cut the process and reduce the length of time to achieve your outcomes.

One thing is certain. While we continue to think, talk and do and take the same actions in our lives we will be guaranteed the same results.

The Past Does Not Have To Equal the Future.

Make 2018 the year of doing everything different…

– Drive a different way to work…
– Have lunch at a different shop…
– Talk with a different colleague at work…
– Smile at 10 people a day and say hello…
– Complete an act of kindness every day…

Can you imagine the different results you will get in your life doing these small action steps?

Start to build your psychological muscle of thinking and doing things differently and watch your world open up with an abundance of possibilities.

Have fun with it and do whatever it takes to create the life you are destined to live.

The Past Does Not Have To Equal the Future.

Email now to get started to discuss your options in moving forward in creating the life that will set you free.

We will make YOUR LIFE HAPPEN together as a team. Step Up, Step Up, Step Up into 2018.

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