People Think Negatively About Me!

people think negatively about mePeople Think Negatively About Me, were the words that came from the lips of a client during one of our regular coaching sessions just a few weeks ago.

Coaches are on the look-out for words or behaviors that could be limiting the client’s results that they are aiming to achieve. People Think Negatively About Me, was a example of a limiting belief.

Limiting beliefs like People Think Negatively about Me, usually originate from our childhood and early years of growing up. The impact of a limiting belief has a huge affect on our life as it will drive our decisions and behavior hence our results.

While bringing this limiting belief to the awareness of the client (many beliefs are unconscious) we agreed to engage in an NLP Intervention to smash this limiting belief and create another more empowering belief.

During this 90 minute NLP Intervention the client was shocked to discover very quickly the impact it has already made in their life in the past. It has touched every area of their life, here a just a few…

– Career: Would be much more advanced without this belief…
– Finances: Would be better due to a more advanced career…
– Relationships: Would have a larger network of friends, personal and business…
– Health: Due to this belief did not participate in sports or exercise…
Growth: Missing out on many opportunities to learn and experience life…

These are the client’s realizations…

We then took a trip into the future to see how it would look if this belief People Think Negatively About Me was not eliminated and replaced with a more empowering belief…

Needless to say this picture was very dim with some physical symptoms and feelings expressing themselves through the body. Our bodies are a great barometer and measure of our internal world of thought and possibility…

We continued then to identify the reasons that supported this limiting belief of People Think Negatively About Me. Here are a few of the supporting legs to this limiting belief that the client revealed…

– Bullied at school in the 3rd & 4th grade…
– Was not picked for the basket ball team…
– Excluded from a work lunch party…

There were many more legs that supported this limiting belief…

One by one we went through a wonderful liberating process smashing these legs of support to the limiting belief that People Think Negatively About Me.

Once this part of the process was complete it was absolutely amazing to see the change in the client as their face  was much more relaxed and looked younger, the voice was gentle and soft and you feel they were totally calm…This was the perfect confirmation of that belief now completely smashed…

Checking in with the client and going inside to record any changes… the response was…

– My posture is stronger…
– I can stand taller…
– Confidence & Self Esteem increasing…
– Calmness & feel lighter

Now displaying a much lighter spirit we continued to my favorite part of the process of creating the new empowering belief which was “People Think Positively About Me”.

With this new belief “People Think Positively About Me” we started a process to collect evidence to support this new empowering belief…

I was truly amazed as the client had so much evidence to support this new empowering belief and I could hardly keep up writing as those support legs just kept coming…

– I was nominated for Special Projects during company team building event…
– Promotion to my current C level position…
– I’m getting excellent feedback from my 30 staff members…
– Staff coming to me asking for advice…
– Always able to attract a girlfriend…

It was so evident like the flick of a switch….now the FOCUS was on “People Think Positively About Me” and there was an abundance of evidence to now support this New Empowering Belief… the amazing thing is the evidence was always there and without the limiting belief it could now be seen and enjoyed…

We know the saying…”Where The Focus Goes The Energy Flows”

We then activated the New Empowering Belief by using our physical bodies in proclaiming it out loud in the format of an Incantation 10 time to restructure the nervous system and allow it to assimilate in the Body and Mind…

The final step of this process was to enter deep relaxation communicating to the subconscious mind and taking this New Empowering Belief “People Think Positively About Me” into the future. We see the New Empowering Belief playing out positively in our future ready for us to greet it when WE arrive.

Now the client leaves office so much lighter, more confidence and a real eagerness of the future with this New Empowering Belief “People Think Positively About Me”.

This process of smashing your limiting belief and creating a more empowering belief will absolutely revolutionize your life with positive results.

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