Prior to meeting with Paul back In September, I worked in an extremely stressful corporate environment, and in my personal life, I was overweight (107 kg) and suffering from deep & dangerous depression.
I knew that if I didn’t take corrective action to address the issues in my work and personal life I was in danger of unimaginable consequences.
My first priority was to turn my inactive life around (having been a very active and fit person in my younger days). I started to see some physical results fairly quickly however my mental fitness still needed to be addressed.
I was not sure where to turn to for this and initially made inquiries with psychologists but there were limited choices where I live.
My google research for how to deal with depression continued to throw out “Yoga” as an activity which I initially rejected due to misconceptions.
After continually coming across this activity as a form of therapy for depression I decided to at least investigate it which led me to Paul.
In a very short time under Paul’s coaching, I became a strong advocate of the practice and regular training. I found my mind started to quiet and I discovered moments of stillness that led to further clarification of my situation.
Through my practice and discussions with Paul, I then began to work with him on getting my life back in order through regular coaching sessions.
Paul’s non-judgmental approach to listening and his practical and logical approach to unwrapping problems and issues and then exploring them from different perspectives started to equip me with the skills and confidence to address the issues going on in my personal life in a positive manner.
Since then I’ve left my employer of 32 years and managed to survive, I feel rejuvenated and have a far more positive outlook on life that allows me to take more risks and deal with change with greater confidence. I have found new employment which I enjoy and am better equipped to deal with the stresses of work and the issues life throws at you.
I owe Paul a great deal for his patience, persistence, and compassion during my darkest times, and highly recommend him to anyone looking to turn their life around.