Why Regular Executive Meditation?

Why Regular Executive Meditation?

why regular executive meditation

Why Regular Executive Meditation? Meditation can be a powerful tool for executives to manage stress and improve their performance on the job in several ways:

1. Increased focus and concentration: Meditation can help clear the mind and improve focus and concentration. This can help executives stay on task and be more productive throughout the workday.

2. Improved decision-making: Meditation can help executives develop greater clarity and insight, leading to better decision-making. It can also help executives stay calm and centred in high-pressure situations, allowing them to make more rational and effective choices.

3. Greater emotional regulation: Meditation can help executives develop greater emotional intelligence, which can improve their ability to manage their own emotions and navigate relationships with colleagues and clients.

4. Reduced stress and anxiety: Meditation can help executives manage stress and anxiety, which can be especially beneficial in high-pressure work environments. It can also help executives develop greater resilience to stress over time.

5. Improved creativity and innovation: Meditation can help executives access more profound levels of creativity and innovation, as it can help quiet the mind and promote free-flowing thought. This can be especially valuable in industries that require a high degree of innovation and problem-solving.

Overall, meditation can be a valuable tool for executives to manage stress, improve performance, and cultivate a greater sense of well-being on the job. By incorporating a regular meditation practice into their daily routine, executives can develop greater focus, emotional regulation, and resilience to stress, leading to greater success and fulfilment in their careers.

Executive Meditation Course
This course is made up of 2 parts:

1) The science and mechanics of meditation between the body & mind

This is the theory of meditation in which we will build a mental model of what is happening to the body during meditation. Throughout the 5 week’s course, we will continue to improve and build this mental model which will make it easier and more accurate during practice to ensure many positive results.

Some of the topics we will cover are:

  • Explanation of the different brain waves
  • How our 3 brains work
  • The brain & body relationship & connection
  • Convergence / Divergence focus
  • Newtonian Model
  • Quantum Model

2) The regular practice of daily meditation

Now that we have started to build a mental model it’s time to put it into practice.

We will use various types of meditation, free-flowing, guided, with music, and without music, and start off with short time frames of 5-10 minutes per meditation.

We will continue to build our mental model, answer your questions, and develop a strong foundation of knowledge to make the practice easier and more desirable.

We will use various tools to facilitate you dropping quickly into an Alpha state of mind which is perfect for meditation.
You will start to see results immediately!

Measurable Energy Reading

Before the 5 weeks, Executive Meditation Course starts, we will measure the homeostasis, and Energy Reading with our GDV Bio-Well Camera of each participant.

Then after the 5 weeks course, we will take a second energy reading and compare the difference. You will have first-hand, scientific proof of how your meditation practice has positively impacted your energy homeostasis.

Our Goal

Our goal during this meditation course is to supply you with the knowledge, tools, experience, and proof of how meditation can align your body, mind, and emotions back to homeostasis so you can perform at your highest level in your professional and personal lives.
After this course, you will enjoy & look forward to making meditation part of your daily routine.

Some Logistics

Venue: The Manor 2, 91 Nguyen Huu Canh, Binh Thanh District
Starts: Wednesday 14th June for 5 consecutive Wednesdays
Time: 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM
Participants: 6 Pax only
Investment Fee: 3,500,000VND ($149USD)

Complete list of dates:

  • 14th June
  • 21st June
  • 28th June
  • 5th July
  • 12th July

To register, and ask your questions, inbox me or contact me at paul@bigvisionlifecoach.com
Secure your place NOW – Executive Meditation Course

Paul Simos is an accomplished Executive Life Coach, Health Coach & Certified Trainer.
He has a fundamental belief about his clients which frames how they work together i.e. they already have everything they need to achieve success. His role as a coach is to stimulate and challenge his clients to unlock their successful beliefs, skills, and behavior patterns.

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