How Corporations Maximize Human Potential

How Corporations Maximize Human Potential

How Corporations Maximize Human Potential

How Corporations Maximize Human Potential. Recently I’ve watched a couple of Netflix series Billions & Suits. I was fascinated by how they managed and maximized their top talent and key team players. Even though they are highly intelligent executives/owners/managers, they still had floors, biases, and blind spots that needed to be managed.

Having full access to a performance coach, or psychologist, using various coaching tools and techniques they were able to maintain a certain level of equilibrium within the firm and extremely high successful performance levels.

Following is a short summary of Billions & Suits.


In the Netflix series Billions, the founder and staff of Axe Capital seek the help of a psychiatrist named Dr Wendy Rhoades to improve their performance. Dr Rhoades uses her expertise in psychology to help them identify their strengths and weaknesses, as well as their emotional and psychological obstacles to success.

She uses various techniques such as coaching, therapy, and mindfulness practices to help her clients manage stress and anxiety, improve their communication skills, and enhance their ability to make sound decisions. Dr Rhoades also acts as a mediator between the founder and staff to resolve conflicts and foster a positive work culture.

Throughout the series, Dr Rhoades plays a crucial role in helping the characters achieve their career and personal goals. Her role demonstrates the importance of mental health and well-being in the workplace, and how seeking professional help can have a significant impact on individual and organizational success.


Suits is a popular American legal drama series that premiered on USA Network in 2011, and later on Netflix. The show revolves around Mike Ross, a genius college dropout, and Harvey Specter, a successful New York City attorney, who hires Mike despite his lack of a law degree.

Lewis Litt is a partner at Pearson Specter Litt, a prestigious law firm, who suffers from anxiety, insecurity and a deep need for affirmation. In Season 5, Lewis seeks the help of a psychiatrist, Dr Paula Agard, to deal with his personal and professional issues.

Dr Agard helps Lewis identify his deep-seated insecurities, and encourages him to be honest with himself and others about his fears and weaknesses. She also teaches him coping mechanisms to manage his anxiety and anger and helps him develop a more confident and assertive persona.

As Lewis progresses in therapy, he becomes more aware of his own values, aspirations and limitations, and takes steps to align his career and personal life with them. His relationships with his colleagues and loved ones also improve as a result of his therapy, and he becomes a more well-rounded and empathetic person.

Overall, Suits is a gripping legal drama that explores complex issues in law, ethics, and human relationships, while also highlighting the importance of mental health and self-awareness. The character of Lewis Litt is an excellent example of how therapy can help people lead more fulfilling and productive lives, both professionally and personally.

Following are 5 more examples of maximizing human potential.

1. The Devil Wears Prada: The main character, Andy Sachs, receives executive coaching from Miranda Priestly, the ruthless editor-in-chief of a fashion magazine. Through coaching, Andy learns to prioritize her tasks, communicate assertively, and manage her time effectively, ultimately leading to her success in the fashion industry.

2. The Social Network: Mark Zuckerberg, the founder of Facebook, receives executive coaching from Sean Parker, the co-founder of Napster. Parker helps Zuckerberg navigate the world of venture capital, improve his leadership style, and gain the confidence to take risks and make bold decisions.

3. The Pursuit of Happyness: Chris Gardner, a struggling salesman, receives executive coaching from a successful businessman who helps him develop a winning mindset, stay focused on his goals, and overcome obstacles on his path to success.

4. Moneyball: Billy Beane, the general manager of the Oakland A’s baseball team, receives executive coaching from Peter Brand, a young Harvard economics graduate. Through coaching, Beane learns to approach the game of baseball from a more analytical perspective, taking advantage of data and statistical analysis to make better decisions and build a winning team.

5. The Wolf of Wall Street: Jordan Belfort, a stockbroker who becomes involved in illegal activities, receives executive coaching from Mark Hanna, an experienced trader. Through coaching, Belfort learns to hone his salesmanship skills, build a loyal team of followers, and manipulate the stock market to his advantage.

This last one was used in an unethical way and still demonstrates the power of coaching and maximizing human potential.

Corporations can maximize their human potential by implementing a range of strategies and initiatives that support employee development, engagement, and well-being. Here are some key approaches that corporations can take to maximize their human potential:

1. Invest in employee training, development and coaching: Providing employees with ongoing training, development and coaching opportunities can help them to build new skills and knowledge, and stay engaged and motivated in their work.

2. Foster a culture of innovation and creativity: Encouraging employees to think creatively and take risks can help to unlock their full potential and drive innovation within the organization.

3. Provide opportunities for feedback and collaboration: Creating an environment where employees feel comfortable providing feedback and collaborating with one another can help to foster a sense of ownership and engagement in the organization.

4. Offer competitive compensation and benefits: Providing competitive compensation and benefits packages can help to attract and retain top talent, and show employees that they are valued and appreciated.

5. Prioritize employee well-being: Supporting employee well-being through initiatives such as flexible scheduling, wellness programs, and mental health resources can help to create a positive and supportive work environment.

6. Encourage diversity and inclusion: Encouraging diversity and inclusion within the workplace can help to foster innovation, creativity, and a sense of belonging among employees.

By implementing these strategies and initiatives, corporations can create a culture that supports and maximizes the potential of their employees. This, in turn, can lead to increased productivity, innovation, and success for the organization as a whole.

These are some of the ways How Corporations Maximize Human Potential.

Paul Simos is an accomplished Executive Life Coach, Health Coach & Certified Trainer.
He has a fundamental belief about his clients which frames how they work together i.e. they already have everything they need to achieve success. His role as a coach is to stimulate and challenge his clients to unlock their successful beliefs, skills, and behavior patterns.

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