How To Succeed In The Eye Of The Storm

How To Succeed In The Eye Of The Storm

How To Succeed In The Eye Of The Storm

How to succeed in the eye of the storm. How many times have you lost your cool, got angry, or completely lost control either at work or home?

You are working hard, juggling many projects at work, you are under the pump to complete a deal and a colleague comes up and asks a simple question and you lose it. It’s the straw that broke the camel’s back.


After a hectic day at work, you arrive home ready to chill out and relax. You greet your partner in the kitchen, she snaps at you, and before you realise it you snap back and now it’s become an escalating argument.

Our external world is in constant flux with millions of bits of stimuli that can, and do, easily push our buttons and have us react to life.

When we react in this way it’s normally not a very good outcome because we shut down many of our internal resources, activate the reptilian brain, and go into a fight, flight, or hide, state of being. This is a survival state of being.

With the pace of life and our professional, personal, and worldwide challenges, many of us are living in this reactive state of being which is dumbing down our internal resources to use logic, be creative, and come up with workable solutions.

So, how do we deal with the complexity, volatility, and speed, of life and our reactiveness to it, without jeopardizing our human intelligence to solve problems, be creative, and live a wonderful life?

We need to learn how to succeed in the eye of the storm.

How To Succeed In The Eye Of The Storm

We all know that in the eye of the storm, it is very still, quiet, peaceful, and calm. As you move away from the eye of the storm you are moving towards the outer edges where there is chaos, noise, strong winds, flying objects and danger.

As an analogy, we see our inner world of mind and emotions as the eye of the storm and our outer world of reality as the chaotic edges of the storm.

Despite all the chaos on the periphery of the storm (a chaotic reality, corporate life), we need to keep our inner world of mind and emotions calm and still be able to utilise the full power and potential of our mind.

It’s those corporate executives and managers who can manage and control their inner world who are able to navigate the outer world and consistently achieve their desired outcomes and results more easily with less effort.

We all need to learn the skill, and it is a skill, to remain calm on the inside (managing mind & emotions) while dealing with the challenges of life. We need to engage all our resources to be able to successfully navigate and find solutions in our professional and personal life.

Once you’ve lost the inner game you have dumbed yourself down to lose the outer game.

When we have developed the skill to be still on the inside and have access to our:

  • Reason
  • Will
  • Imagination
  • Perception
  • Intuition
  • Memory

We put ourselves in a very strong position to deal with whatever the world (storm) throws at us.

If we close this door of the inner world we are only left with 3 options:

  • Fight
  • Run
  • Hide

The outcome of the last 3 options is not conducive to a good life, a healthy life, or a mentally balanced and fit life.

So, how do we create that inner peace, the eye of the storm, so we stack the odds in our favor of responding in a positive way to the world and living a happy and productive life?

How To Create The Eye Of The Storm In Your Inner World

One of the very key practices I share with my executive clients who have joined my Executive Coaching Service is to reduce their 5 sensory inputs and to start to build awareness around their inner world.

If we are not aware of something it doesn’t exist for us. Once we become aware of it, it now exists for us.

So the very first step to creating the eye of the storm within us is to bring a personal awareness to our inner world. The only way to do this is to reduce/eliminate our 5 sensory inputs for a period of time.

When we take our awareness off the world and redirect it to our inner world we can now get to work and start to build those internal psychological muscles that are going to be the foundation of the eye of the storm within us.

This first step can be challenging because we have shortened our attention span due to the current lifestyles we live and the unbridled use of technology. It has made it more difficult to focus our attention on one thing for more than 15 seconds without our mind wandering.

Want to test your attention span? Try this.

Before you go to sleep at night go over your day, BACKWARDS in your mind. Start with the very last thing you did at night (get into bed) to the very first thing you did in the morning (get out of bed).

See how far you can get before your mind wanders off-topic onto something else. You will be surprised.

When you can go through this whole process from start to finish without interruption, you will know that you are starting to build your psychological muscle of focus and attention.

This is such an important skill to develop because any and all success in our professional and personal lives depends on our ability to focus our attention on something long enough to achieve our results.

If you want to develop the eye of the storm within you so you can have all your internal resources available and ready to deal with life, please book your FREE Strategy Session Now, and let’s talk.

Paul Simos is an accomplished Executive Life Coach, Health Coach & Certified Trainer.
He has a fundamental belief about his clients which frames how they work together i.e. they already have everything they need to achieve success. His role as a coach is to stimulate and challenge his clients to unlock their successful beliefs, skills, and behavior patterns.

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