Create A Pathway To Success Using The Power Of Mind

Create A Pathway To Success Using The Power Of Mind

Create A Pathway To Success Using The Power Of Mind

Create A Pathway To Success Using The Power Of Mind. A couple of weeks ago I was driving to work and while stationary, waiting in traffic, a motorbike smashed into the back of my car.

Startled, I quickly got out of the car to investigate what had happened. My state had changed from a calm, relaxed state to an upset fight or flight state of being. Now I was feeling very annoyed that the car has a smashed tail light cover and chipped paintwork on the back rear panel.

It was just a week before this incident that the car had been repaired of all the dents and scratches it suffered over the last 2 years.

I was short in my conversation and took some pictures of the car, motorbike, and the damaged areas. Knowing that it would not be worth my effort and time to pursue the motorbike rider for any compensation.

This was the first road accident that I’ve experienced in Vietnam since I arrived in 2009. Thank goodness it was only a minor accident.

Reflections Of The Mornings Event

Back in my office a few hours later I was reflecting on the morning’s event. Even though it was not my fault for the motorbike smashing into the back of my car while stationary, I felt a sense of remorse.

I acknowledged that I could have had a better attitude towards the situation and how I responded in the moment. I know that I had some room for improvement in how I behaved.

I started to reflect on the situation again and what I would have done differently if I got the opportunity to repeat the morning’s event.

This is a process called Revisioning which I teach all my clients who join our Executive Coaching Service.

What is Revisioning

Revisioning is a process where we lay down new tracks of behavior in our brain that we can access and use at a later time, when and if necessary.

We do this by closing our eyes and replaying a past event in our mind (my morning event) in our mind’s eye exactly how we will respond (more positively) the next time such an event occurs. A more positive version of the first event.

We play out in our mind’s eye what we will say and do differently next time. It’s like rehearsing the same event but in a more positive way.

Now we will have a more positive track in our brain that we can access the next time a similar event occurs. We have just prepared a better pathway in our brain for good behavior.

Our imagination can’t tell the difference between what is happening in reality and what’s been imagined so it will lay down a track in our brain for future reference of how to repeat the same event. The more positive tracks we can lay down the more access we have to good behavior, when a live reality event presents itself.

So, back to my morning event…

I revisioned the whole event using empathy as the central theme to deal with the situation, if it ever happened again, which I hope it doesn’t. I have now laid down a clear and specific track, that I can access and use, for how I will behave if such an event occurs again.

This is how to create a pathway to success using the power of the mind.

How To Use Revisioning In Your Daily Life

If we want to create a pathway to success using the power of the mind in the different areas of our life, we have plenty of opportunities to practice.

Following is a list of opportunities to practice revisioning:

  • A business meeting that didn’t go well because you lost your mental & emotional posture
  • An interaction with a defensive client
  • Disagreement with your work colleague
  • Frustration with a customer service representative
  • Someone cuts you off in traffic
  • A report is delivered to you late and incomplete
  • Bad service at your local restaurant 
  • Misunderstanding with your husband or wife

There are many daily meetings, interactions, and instances, upon reflection, that we know we could have acted differently, acted better, and created a better outcome.

If we don’t catch the poor behavior and replace it, our future will be exactly the same as our past.

Revisioning is an amazing, quick, permanent way to reprogram our brain, with positive new pathways of behavior.

Imagine if you only revisioned one event every day, by the end of the year you would have programmed your brain with 365 positive behavioral tracks. These positive behavioral tracks are now waiting to be used when the new occasion presents itself.

When WE get better OUR life gets better.

We are now starting to create a new, different, better, way of behaving, so instead of recreating the past we are now creating a new future with new behaviors, feelings, and experiences, not just for ourselves but for all of those people we spend time with on a daily basis.

We are now reprograming our brains, creating new synaptic connections and strengthening those connections through daily repetition.

This one process of revisioning will help us create a pathway to success using the power of the mind in our professional and personal lives.

Remember to book your FREE Strategy Session and discover how you can use revisioning specific to your circumstances.

Happy revisioning!

Paul Simos is an accomplished Executive Life Coach, Health Coach & Certified Trainer.
He has a fundamental belief about his clients which frames how they work together i.e. they already have everything they need to achieve success. His role as a coach is to stimulate and challenge his clients to unlock their successful beliefs, skills, and behavior patterns.

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