Why Will Power & Motivation Don’t Work

Why Will Power & Motivation Don’t Work

Why will power & motivation don’t work
Why will power & motivation don’t work. In our Leadership Communication and Emotional Intelligence Training, we have a saying. The saying is this, “The Conscious Mind is the goal setter and the Subconscious Mind is the goal-getter”.

When we communicate with our Conscious and Subconscious Minds we need to be aware that we have different rules and ways of communicating with each mind.

The Conscious Mind

Our conscious mind is responsible for setting our goals. We consciously say, I want to get married and have my own children, I want a promotion to Director of Sales. I want to lose 30 kilos and have more energy. I want to have better relationships with my colleagues at work. These are more of our long-term goals.

We also have short-term goals. I will go to the gym first thing in the morning. I will start my diet today and reduce the quantity of food that I eat. Today I will be kind and thoughtful to all my work colleagues.

Our Conscious Mind is the logical, creative mind where we can imagine all the wonderful dreams and goals we want and can have. This Conscious Mind can come up with unlimited possibilities of what we can imagine and have.

The Conscious Mind is the goal setter.

The Subconscious Mind

why will power & motivation don't workThe Subconscious Mind is the storehouse of all our beliefs. All the beliefs we accumulated over our lifetime, starting from when we were growing up as a child in our family environment to today. They are all stored in our Subconscious Minds.
Our beliefs are responsible for our behaviors and our behaviors are responsible for the results we have showing up in our lives. Our results are driven by the beliefs that reside in our Subconscious Minds.

Whatever beliefs are programmed into our Subconscious Mind will be made evident consistently in our lives, even if they are limiting beliefs. The evidence of these beliefs will and do show up in our lives.

The Challenge

If there is a misalignment of our Conscious Mind goal and the belief in our Subconscious Mind, the Subconscious Mind belief will always win.

If you as your Conscious Mind choose a goal that opposes a belief in your Subconscious Mind, the belief in your Subconscious Mind will not allow the Conscious Mind goal to be achieved.

For example:

You, as the Conscious Mind set a goal to earn more money. You’ve been earning 5K per month and now you want to earn 10K per month. Consciously you really believe that you are worth 10K per month and get to work, taking action, towards your goal.

If you have a Subconscious (Limiting) belief that says, you are not worth 10K per month, it will be extremely hard or impossible to consistently reach your goal.

Your Subconscious limiting beliefs could be around, low self-esteem, lack of confidence, lack of self-worth, my father only earned a basic salary (childhood programming), etc.

You can use willpower, motivation, and work really hard but until you CHANGE YOUR LIMITING BELIEF to match your new goal you may never reach it or inconsistently at best.

Willpower and motivation will only last so long.

The Fastest Way To Get Your Goal

why will power and motivation don't work When you Consciously set a goal, the fastest way to achieve it is to make sure your Subconscious Beliefs are in alignment with your new goal. When both Conscious and Subconscious Minds are in alignment with your goal will appear much quicker and with less resistance.

Limiting beliefs are obstacles to us achieving our goals and if not corrected we can spend our whole life or a good part of it trying to achieve our goals with little to no success.

Yes, you could get your 10K goal (previous example) with lots of willpower, motivation, and hard work (most people give up before that happens) and upgrade your Subconscious belief through sweat, blood, and tears.

Bruce Lipton is quoted as saying that 60% of our Subconscious beliefs are limiting beliefs. This could be one reason why so many people fail to reach their goals and give up before attainment.

3 Ways To Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind

  • Hypnosis – When you are in a hypnotic state (THETA) it opens the doors to your Subconscious Mind where you can now upload your new empowering beliefs that you want to have in your life. I use hypnosis in my coaching practice to get results with my clients.

Hypnosis was the way we received our first download of beliefs from our parents and caregivers. From 0-7, we lived in a                        THETA state and took on many of the beliefs, both empowering and disempowering beliefs, of those who raised us

  •  Repetition – This is another way to change a limiting belief by repeating the new empowering belief or action many times over until it becomes the new belief. Practice, practice, practice    
  • Muscle Testing – We can communicate to the Subconscious Mind through muscle testing and asking questions as a                         biofeedback mechanism through the body. I use Kinesiology, and muscle testing, to communicate with the Subconscious Minds in my Executive Coaching Service to further align their goals with their Subconscious beliefs.

Why will power & motivation don’t work

Now you know why willpower and motivation don’t work in the long run if you want to create quick and permanent change (Subconscious Mind) in alignment with your dreams and goals in your Conscious Mind.

Want to upgrade your limiting beliefs to empowering beliefs to achieve your big dreams and goals?

Schedule a FREE Strategy Session and learn more…

Paul Simos is an accomplished Executive Life Coach, Health Coach & Certified Trainer.
He has a fundamental belief about his clients which frames how they work together i.e. they already have everything they need to achieve success. His role as a coach is to stimulate and challenge his clients to unlock their successful beliefs, skills, and behavior patterns.

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