The No 1 Reason Why You Don’t Have What You Want

The No 1 Reason Why You Don’t Have What You Want

The No 1 reason why you don’t have what you want

The No 1 reason why you don’t have what you want. 10 days ago a few friends and I caught an early train, 6 am, from Sydney Central train station to Katoomba in the Blue Maintains.

We were all so excited to be going on a 1-day tracking expedition in the heart of the Blue Maintains.

Little did I know that there was a serious accident about to take place that we never expected.

We arrived at Katoomba station and made our way to the famous landmark of the Three Sisters. It was a 20-minute walk from the station along the footpath. It was our warm-up before we hit the trail.

Once we arrived we stopped at the local cafe to enjoy a nice hot coffee and croissant, reviewed our map, packed our bags securely, and made our way to descend the giant staircase. I’m sure it was over 1,000 stairs.

We got to the bottom of the staircase with “jelly legs”, enjoying the sounds of the birds, and the thundering noise of Cicadas. The musty aroma of the damp undergrowth of the maintained floor. Rays of sunlight shoot between the trees and landing on an array of undershrub and rocks.

Breathing in physically and mentally this picturesque scene. Taking mental snapshots to remember at a later date when I arrive back home or in between clients at the office.

Time to get moving. We walked along the valley floor for about 90 minutes before we started our steep climb to the top of the mountain and down the other side.

The path we tracked on would fluctuate from being a dog trail, supper narrow, to opening up so 2 or 3 of us could walk shoulder to shoulder.

As we were nearing the top the pathway become narrower and narrower. There was also a sharp drop to the bottom if you left the trail.

We noticed another group of people coming toward us, so we filed in a single line with not much pathway left for the other party to squeeze past.

The No 1 reason why you don’t have what you want

We were passing each other just fine until the person next to me turned around to speak to his friend behind him and his backpack nudged me, I lost my footing and before I realized it, I was rolling down the side of the cliff, gathering speed and I could not stop myself.

Smashing into rocks and trees I tried to grab onto something to stop the gathering momentum. Time seemed to slow down (like slow motion) as my life passed before my eyes.

Then all of a sudden….

I woke up in my bed, with my physical body reacting to what just took place in my imagination…

My heart was racing, I was out of breath, sweating, and my body 100% believed it was experiencing what my imagination had just delivered to it.

That’s the No 1 reason why you don’t have what you want.

Our body can’t tell the difference between what we imagine (what we are thinking about and picturing all day long) and what’s actually taking place in reality, the environment.

I’m confident to say that you have imagined it in your sleep and your body reacted as if it was actually happening.

The challenge is that most of us are imagining all the scenarios and things we don’t want and we are experiencing them in our bodies time and time again.

We continue to play out past negative events in our imagination and relive the same feelings over and over again in our bodies.

That’s how the past becomes the present and future.

The Solution

The solution is to remember your future.

What do you want?

Get crystal clear on what you do want for your professional and personal life. In my Executive Coaching Sessions, a question I continually need to ask is, what do you want?

We are so programmed to think about the past (it’s a strong psychological muscle) and what we think about we feel and experience in our lives.

We need to build the psychological muscle of remembering the future and lean towards that with our thoughts and words.

We need to have an engaging conversation about where we are going, not where we have been.

If you would like to create a forward-facing thought process, and forward-facing vocabulary, and lean into what you do want to create in your professional and personal life, then join me for a FREE Strategy Session.

Learn how to create the life you want by taking conscious control of your IMAGINATION, THOUGHTS, and WORDS in deliberate creation.

Click here for a FREE Strategy Session.

Paul Simos is an accomplished Executive Life Coach, Health Coach & Certified Trainer.
He has a fundamental belief about his clients which frames how they work together i.e. they already have everything they need to achieve success. His role as a coach is to stimulate and challenge his clients to unlock their successful beliefs, skills, and behavior patterns.

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