How To Raise The Quality of Your Thoughts

How To Raise The Quality of Your Thoughts

how to raise the quality of your thoughts

How To Raise The Quality of Your Thoughts. At the start of most of my coaching sessions with the Executive Clients that I work with, we go through a 5 min very powerful transition exercise before we jump into our session and get our gains.

When the client arrives at my office they are moving very quickly, not just physically, but mentally as well. They have been solving problems, doing deals, networking, conducting meetings, planning, and firefighting, just to name a few.

We greet each other, they take a seat and we let the dust settle from what they have just been doing for the last few hours.

What I have noticed is that their body is in front of me but their mind is miles away solving other challenges and continuing to work, elsewhere.

The client is not yet fully present in the room.

For us to do our best work together I need to have the client 100% present in the room with me, body, mind, emotions, and energy.

What I need to do is create a space for the client to transition from where he was, recalibrate, and refocus on where we are about to go in our conversation.

If I start our session now without his full presence the quality of his thoughts will be dumbed down and we will not do our best work together and maximize our results.

It’s ok to operate in the BETA Brainwave state periodically throughout the day to ensure tasks get done and deadlines are met.
Beta brainwaves (13 – 38 Hz) are small, faster brainwaves associated with a state of mental, intellectual activity and outwardly focused concentration. This is basically a state of alertness.

We also need to have times where we need to disengage from BETA and move into a different brainwave state to maximize our results depending on the task at hand.

During a coaching session, the client is best to occupy the brainwave state of ALPHA. Oscillating between ALPHA and the low end of BETA

Alpha brainwaves (8-12 Hz.) are slower and larger. They are associated with a state of relaxation and represent the brain shifting into an idling gear, waiting to respond when needed. If we close our eyes and begin picturing something peaceful, there is an increase in alpha brainwaves.

This is where we reduce the external stimulation of the 5 senses and start to go within. Go within the inner world of our minds, thoughts, and reflections.

Now we are putting ourselves in a state of mind that is conducive to coming up with solutions, brainstorming, awarenesses, aha moments, joining the dots, and getting into a flow.

To put ourselves into this creative state of mind we need to leave BETA, reduce 5 sense data, enter the domain of ALPHA and work with our internal resources.

There are other brainwave states, THETA, DELTA, and GAMMA. One state is not better than another. They all serve a purpose and depending on the results we are seeking we will need to enter that brainwave state to maximize our results.

Occupying just one brainwave state for too long will have consequences, so we would be better off alternating between the states on a regular basis to avoid health challenges and maximize our results.

It’s all about balance.

So here is the process I use with my Executive Clients to move them from a high BETA to a very low BETA / ALPHA, brainwave state, to maximize our creative work together and get them the results they want.

The Process of Raising The Quality of Your Thoughts

Step 1:

Sit upright in a high-back chair with both feet firmly on the ground, palms on your thighs, shoulders relaxed, eyes closed.

Step 2:

Take 5 long deep breaths in and out through your nose. Inhale stomach rises, exhale stomach falls.

Step 3:

Become aware of any tension in your physical body and let it relax with your next exhale.

Step 4:

Become aware of your thinking and just observe your thoughts as they slow down and reduce in number.

Step 5:

5 more long deep breaths as you observe your body relaxing more and more and your mind slowing down as you observe the stillness in your mind. One minute of silence in this state, then slowly open your eyes and be present in the room.


Make sure you are in a peaceful environment (boardroom / private office) with minimal external noises. Play this background music softly on your phone.

Practice, Practice, Practice

When you regularly follow this simple, yet, very powerful and effective process, you will be able to raise the quality of your thoughts in minutes and create solutions to your most pressing problems.

This is a very powerful process to use in between the different projects or hats that you wear as an executive to ensure the best thinking and results in everything that you touch and work on.

This is how you will be able to maximize your own internal resources and produce the solutions and results required throughout the day. While at the same time having an abundance of energy remaining for yourself and your family at the end of the day.

In many instances, it’s the small things in our lives that make a big difference.

Now you know how to raise the quality of your thoughts.

Paul Simos is an accomplished Executive Life Coach, Health Coach & Certified Trainer.
He has a fundamental belief about his clients which frames how they work together i.e. they already have everything they need to achieve success. His role as a coach is to stimulate and challenge his clients to unlock their successful beliefs, skills, and behavior patterns.

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