How Our Imagination is Creating Our Reality

How Our Imagination is Creating Our Reality. Our imagination is so much more important than many of us realize. How our imagination is creating our reality and many people are not even aware of it. Albert Einstein says it best in the following quote.
“Imagination is more important than knowledge, for knowledge is limited, whereas imagination embraces the entire world, stimulating progress, giving birth to evolution”.
Albert Einstein
Everything that we see in our world today that man has created was once first imagined. The computer, phone, car, table, bridge, building, pen, and the list goes on.
It was an idea in someone’s mind before it appeared in reality.
The lunch that you ate today was imagined before you took steps to prepare or buy it.
Here is another quote, this time from Nikola Tesla.
“I do not rush into actual work. When I get a new idea, I start at once building it up in my imagination, and make improvements and operate the device in my mind. When I have gone so far as to embody everything in my invention, every possible improvement I can think of, and when I see no fault anywhere, I put into concrete form the final product of my brain”.
Nikola Tesla
If we can agree that everything man has created is first created in his imagination, then wouldn’t it make sense to be aware of the content of our imagination?
What Are You Imagining All Day Long?
We can imagine many things during our day and for simplicity let’s put them into 2 main categories.
- Things That We Do Want – These can be all the things that will make our life better, more enjoyable, and more comfortable.
Things like:
- New phone
- New computer
- New shoes
- Happiness
- New car
- My own business
- Peace of mind
- A husband or wife
- Kids
- Courage
- More energy
- Better Health
- Confidence
- More money
- A holiday
The list goes on and I’m sure I’ve missed out on one or two things that you want and are on the top of your mind right now.
2. Things That We Don’t Want – These are all the things that we don’t want in our lives because in most cases they are causing us pain and discomfort.
Things like:
- Fear of the future
- Poverty
- Poor health
- Anxiety
- Failure
- Arguments
- Anger
- Loneliness
- Doubt & indecision
- Memories of past unpleasant experiences
Once again this list is by no means complete. I’m sure you have at least one thing you would like to eradicate from your life forever, don’t you?
Which Catagory Are You Spending Most of your Waking Imaginal Hours?
What’s on the top of your mind most of the day? What are you thinking about all day long? What’s the tone of your internal dialogue throughout the day?
When I ask these questions to clients (client testimonials) they mostly look a little puzzled. Throughout our day we are only conscious 5% of the time. The other 95% of the time we are running subconscious programs.
We are similar to a computer and its programs. Our programs were installed during our childhood and former years of growing up. Most of us run these same programs for the duration of our life and never change them.
These subconscious programs can be working for us or against us.
Unless we become CONSCIOUS of our subconscious programs, they will run our lives and produce the same results over and over again.
So… back to the question, what are you thinking/imagining all day long?
It’s very easy to identify what thoughts you’re having on a regular basis.
Very simply, look at the results you are producing on a regular basis.
Our results are in direct correlation to the constant thoughts we entertain in our imagination.
Once you become aware of your imaginal daily dialogue, you then will have an opportunity to change that same dialogue, if it is not producing the results that you want that are showing up in your reality.
“Outside of awareness, outside of control”.
The Challenge
The challenge with many people is that they are UNCONSCIOUSLY entertaining all the thoughts in their imagination of what they don’t want in their life.
That’s one reason why having goals is so important because it keeps our FOCUS, ATTENTION, and imaginal conversations on what we do want.
We all need to protect our intellectual property (imagination) and make sure only content that is pro our honorable wants and desires end up in a dialogue in our imagination.
We need to CONSCIOUSLY filter out everything else that pertains to what we don’t want.
Therein lies the challenge.
The Solution In 3 Simple Steps
Step 1: Become Conscious of your internal dialogue – To become conscious of your internal dialogue you will need to dumb down your 5 senses.
Go within and observe what’s happening in your internal world of thought and imagination.
Sit still, close your eyes, breathe consciously, eliminate all external distractions and point your awareness internally.
Observe your thoughts, what’s the tone of your internal conversation. The more your repeat this process the more aware you will be of those thoughts. With practice, you will be able to do it with your eyes open while going about your business.
Step 2: Get clear on what you do want in your life – Get clear on what you do want and set a goal/s that will keep you focused on what you do want.
“If you don’t have your own goals, you will become part of someone else’s goals”.
Set one goal or a number of goals in the different areas of your life. This will keep your RAS (Reticular Activating System – Similar to a GPS) focused on your goals at all times.
Now your mind is occupied with more of what you do want and crowding out all other thoughts (Nature abhors a vacuum) that you don’t want. Keep this practice going and you will turn the tide of your imaginal content.
Step 3: Take physical action on your imaginal thinking and goals – Get to work and take action on your thinking about what you do want. Keep your goals in the forefront of your mind so they become your predominant thinking pattern.
Fill your mind and imagination with more goals of what you want and take action on making them a reality.
Make your goals your magnificent obsession (Support to achieve your goals) so you only have room in your imagination for what you do want.
Similar to Einstein and Tesla, enter the depths of your imagination and use this sacred space to create magic in your life.
Take control of your mind and imagination and use it purposefully to better yourself, your family, and humanity.
Become the best version of yourself now that you know how our imagination is creating our reality.
Paul Simos is an accomplished Executive Life Coach, Health Coach & Certified Trainer.
He has a fundamental belief about his clients which frames how they work together i.e. they already have everything they need to achieve success. His role as a coach is to stimulate and challenge his clients to unlock their successful beliefs, skills, and behavior patterns.
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