How Does Coaching Work In My Professional Development?

how coaching works my professional development How Does Coaching Work In My Professional Development?

“I absolutely believe that people, UNLESS COACHED, never reach their maximum capabilities”.

Bob Nardelli, Former CEO, Home Depot.

How does coaching work in my professional development? Rather than give you the dry theory of how coaching works, I would like to share with you the process I use when coaching C-Suite executives and business owners.

Let’s walk you through the process from the first point of contact with a potential client to a few sessions into the coaching journey. I’m often asked how does coaching work in my professional development? Now here is the answer.

Step 1: Initial contact

I receive an email or phone call from a potential client looking to learn more about coaching and would it work for them in their specific circumstances.

We organize a Free Strategy Session (Via Zoom / in person) to learn more about their current situation, answer their questions, and determine if it is a good fit for us to move forward and work together.

When we both agree it’s a good fit to work together we will decide on one of 3 Executive Coaching Packages that best suits them.

Step 2: On-Boarding

Now they will receive an Intake Form (14 questions) to complete before our first session. This will give me some personal history details and clearly spell out the goals/outcomes/behaviors they want to achieve as a result of our coaching sessions. These will be the KPIs that we will monitor to ensure their attainment.

how coaching works my professional development

We will use the Logical Levels of Change by Robert Diltz to ensure permanent, lasting, positive, change and transformation in your identity, values & beliefs, skills & capabilities, behavior, and environment.

Step 3: First session

During our first session, we will review the Intake Form together, understand more about the client’s past and present circumstances, and get clarity on what we will work on first.

Coaching is a process, a journey, an experience of self-discovery and growth. Coaching is one of trust, deep rapport, and confidence between coach and coachee.

As the client talks and shares, I listen and get a deeper look at their inner mindset, values, beliefs, and motivations, so we are able to effect change quickly and effectively.

As we draw closer to the end of our 60-90 min coaching session we will formulate the weekly assignment to be completed before our next coaching session.

The client will nominate an action step/s he/she will take in regard to today’s session. This is easy because the client now has more clarity, confidence, and energy, and knows exactly the next step to take.

I will keep them accountable for their weekly assignment before or at our next coaching session.

As usual, the client leaves the coaching session enthusiastically with clarity and focus to apply the new awareness and knowledge to his business and or personal life.

Step 4: Second session

At the start of the second session, we will discuss the client’s assignment experience and results.

Depending on whether the assignment was completed or not we will discuss the following:

  • What results did you achieve?
  • What worked well?
  • What didn’t work well?
  • What lessons did you learn?

This is a very important part of the coaching experience because we are going below the surface of these answers.

We want to uncover, everything that could be sabotaging the results we want, like:

  • Mindsets
  • Identity programs
  • Thinking patterns
  • Skills & capabilities
  • Values and beliefs
  • Behaviors
  • Environmental obstacles

These are the areas we want to spend most of our time because these are the real causes of the lack of results we want. By working on these logical levels we know exactly where to do most of our work.

Our external results or lack of results are exposing the internal programs we are running since childhood and probably don’t work anymore. In some cases, not only do they not work, but they sabotage the exact success and results we are looking to achieve.

It’s my mission and job as a coach to identify these outdated programs, delete them, and together with the client create empowering programs that deliver the results the client wants.

Sometimes the whole session could be used to identify, expose, and start the reprogramming process.

If we have any time left in the second session we will start to discuss the client’s Keystone Goal.

Step 5: Third session

It’s time to choose a Keystone Goal for the client to work on through to completion over the next few weeks, months, or years, depending on the size of the goal.

We are going to use this Keystone Goal to go deep and personally develop the client which will positively impact the client’s professional and personal life.

We will use the Logical Levels to identify where the CAUSE of the problems is showing up as we move forward on the goal.

Having the goal is twofold:

  • Achieve and enjoy the desired result
  • Be the person who can create and enjoy that result

If we are shooting for a huge, 10x goal, we need to become the person who can hold that goal and its results consistently in their consciousness for as long as they want.

For example, there is a difference between BEING (identity) a millionaire and having a million dollars.

Many lottery winners can have millions of dollars and in a few short years, they are back in debt. Go Google failed lottery winners and you will have plenty of examples.

Millionaires who have BECOME (BEING/IDENTITY) a millionaire can lose their entire fortunes and very quickly replace it, plus some, because we get who we are (identity) not what we want. You can Google this one as well for many examples.

Step 6: Ongoing sessions

The process now is to continue to work on your Keystone Goal removing all the obstacles that are preventing you from achieving this goal. This means we are working on your identity for you to become the person who can create and enjoy the result of your goal.

You are personally developing yourself by raising the level of your consciousness so you can create and enjoy more of the abundance that already exists in this world.

Once you see your Keystone Goal through to completion you will then choose another great 10X Keystone Goal to further develop yourself.

We continue the process of enjoying our results and the person we become to be able to consistently enjoy those results.


How Does Coaching Work In My Professional Development?

Now you know the answer to how does coaching work in my professional development?

If you are happy where you are, you are happy with your current results and progress, continue on as your doing.

If you want more from life, if you want to speed up your results, and if you want to enjoy more of the unlimited abundance on this planet, you could consider engaging a coach to support you on your professional and personal journey.

To learn more and discuss your personal circumstances and whether coaching can help you, book in for a Free Strategy Session, and find out what’s possible.

Paul Simos is an accomplished Executive Life Coach, Health Coach & Certified Trainer.
He has a fundamental belief about his clients which frames how they work together i.e. they already have everything they need to achieve success. His role as a coach is to stimulate and challenge his clients to unlock their successful beliefs, skills, and behavior patterns.

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