It Can Be Used For Good Or Evil!
It’s a neutral operating system that is activated by intention
It can be seen as analogous to a knife.
A knife can be used to cut up an apple, slice and butter bread, carve a piece of rib-eye steak or make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. A knife is a very useful tool that makes our life easier.
A knife can also be used to threaten someone in the robbery of a convenience store, or in a domestic violence attack. or in a self-harm attack and God forbid in the death of another person.
The knife itself is neutral, it’s not good or evil, it’s just an inanimate object. It’s a tool that every one of us has used and benefitted from using, isn’t it!
It is the intention of the person who is using the knife that can make the knife appear to be good or evil. In reality, it’s just a knife and is neither good nor evil.
The intention of the person needs to be evaluated not the tool they are using.
Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) is a tool, it’s an operating system that is neither good nor evil. The intention of the person using this very powerful communication tool of NLP will make it appear to be good or evil.
It’s potentially a very powerful operating system, once in the hands of an upright and moral person. It can align the universe to make positive experiences and results happen, resistant-free in your professional and personal life.
Why NLP?
Do you want to:
- Create win/win outcomes in your life?
- Deepen your professional & personal relationships?
- Influence and lead yourself to take the right action?
- Be an influencer & leader in your family, business, or career?
- Know how to communicate with difficult employees, colleagues or family?
- Remove the 4 clouds (negative thinking, negative emotions, inner conflict, limiting beliefs) in your life that are holding you back?
- Confident in your life purpose?
If you said yes to any or all of the above then you will love what I’m about to share with your next. Keep reading.
What is NLP?
NLP is the modelling of excellence in ourselves and in others.
- Modelling of excellence in ourselves.
Have you ever had a day where nothing went right? From the moment you arose in the morning to the moment you retired to bed in the evening, the day was a disaster. You’ve heard the saying, “today I got out of the wrong side of the bed”, nothing went right!
Alternatively, have you had days where everything went really well? From the moment you arose in the morning to the moment you retired to bed in the evening, the day was perfect. Everything flowed like you had green lights all day long. Someone was watching over you and looking out for you today.
NLP has a huge basket of tools and techniques that make it so easy to identify why some days work really well for you, while others don’t. We apply these tools to both our good days and not-so-good days.
Once we discover the reason for our good days, we do more of those activities.
Once we discover the reasons for our bad days, we do less of those activities.
By modelling the excellence in ourselves our positive results and positive life experiences start to rise. You are starting to turn the tide on the 4 clouds that have been holdings you back in your life for so long.

2. Modelling of excellence in others.
You’ve heard the saying, “Why reinvent the wheel?”.
There are many wonderful, intelligent, gifted people in the world who are masters at what they do. They have spent years, decades and lifetimes becoming a master in a specific field of endeavour and interest.
They have put the time, effort, sweat, blood and tears into their mastery.
By using specific tools and techniques in NLP we can compress another person’s mastery, skills, and capabilities, that took them 40–50 years to master and compress them down in ourselves in just a few short years.
We can shortcut the process to mastery in many areas of our life by using the specific tools of NLP in this modelling process.
When you have the right intention and application, it’s a very powerful process.
What’s Your Intention!
If you would like to learn more about the Power of NLP and how this operating system can empower you and boost your professional and personal life, go and do some research. There is plenty of information on the internet about NLP.
Choose to follow someone who has integrity and is interested in serving the betterment of Humankind.
Paul Simos is an accomplished Executive Life Coach, Health Coach & Certified Trainer.
He has a fundamental belief about his clients which frames how they work together i.e. they already have everything they need to achieve success. His role as a coach is to stimulate and challenge his clients to unlock their successful beliefs, skills, and behavior patterns.
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