Living a Good Life, How To Live A Fulfilled Life.
What is a good life, what is a fulfilled life? If we were to ask this same question to 100 people, more than likely, we would get 100 different answers and they all would be right.
Here is what the Dalai Lama says about the purpose of life, which we can say would be in alignment with a good life, a fulfilled life.
“I believe the purpose of life is to be happy. From the moment of birth, every human being wants happiness not suffering. Neither social conditioning nor education nor ideology affect this. From the very core of our being, we desire contentment. Therefore, it’s important to discover what will bring about the greatest degree of happiness. My own limited experience tells me it’s the development of love and compassion.”
Dalai Lama
If you were to answer this same question, how would you answer it?
It would be a very personal and heartfelt answer based on our past conditioning and environment while growing up and the essence of who we are as human beings.
If I reflect on my life, I can think of 3 key areas that I attend to that allow me to live a good life, a fulfilled life. Yes, there are many others, and this is the best place to start.
Practice Daily Gratitude
I wrote a post recently about gratitude in which I stated very clearly if we can’t be grateful for what we already have, having more of it has no value. Buying more watches, cars, and houses, has no value if I can’t appreciate the ones I already have.
When we are grateful for what already exists in our life, we feel complete, and fulfilled. It doesn’t mean we don’t want more but without being grateful first, more makes no sense.
Start to appreciate and be grateful for the smallest things in your life to live a good life, a fulfilled life.
Manage Your Mind & Thoughts
Our life experience is happening inside our minds. Our thoughts and internal dialogue are creating our life experiences. We don’t respond to what’s happening in the world, we respond to the stories we make up in our minds about what’s happening in the world.
If I see my son’s room is a mess with clothes and books everywhere, I will respond according to my story about his untidy room, not the untidy room.
Story 1 – He has been told many times about his untidy room, this is wrong, it should not happen – I’m now angry with him, and stand over him until the room is clean.
Story 2 – I smile when I see the untidy room and think, when I was a teenager, my room was much worse – I call him and we both clean his room together enjoying our father and son time together.
We are responding to our own fabricated stories, in our minds, not to the world itself.
Start to be an awesome storyteller to be able to live a good life, a fulfilled life.
Become Goal Focused
We all need formal goals in our life as a mechanism to learn, grow and develop, which satisfies one of the six human needs of GROWTH. If we are not growing, we are dying, nothing remains the same.
When we are growing, we are happy and confident and our self-esteem starts to increase, creating a forward positive movement.
Identify which area of your life, health, finances, and relationships, is the lowest at the moment, an area where you feel the least fulfilled in life. Identify keystone goals in this area that will energize you back into life. Work on this goal daily, and don’t stop until you have achieved it.
Pick that one keystone goal today so you will be another step closer to living a good life, a fulfilled life.
As I’m writing these words, I’m in the middle of an extended lockdown, already 6 weeks, with no real sign of coming out yet.
I’m so grateful to be alive during this time and can spend more time with my family, work on my health and build my business online.
My story about the lockdown is to see it as a way to renounce my own will, have psychological flexibility, a different experience, and do life another way for the immediate future.
My 3 key goals are to change the shape of my body, by doing 2 yoga sessions a day. Create more positive feelings in my body irrespective of what the world is doing. The 3rd goal is to learn new skills and capabilities in my business that I can apply now and after lockdown.
Start acting now towards living a good life, a fulfilled life.
Living a good life.
Paul Simos is an accomplished Executive Life Coach, Health Coach & Certified Trainer.
He has a fundamental belief about his clients which frames how they work together i.e. they already have everything they need to achieve success. His role as a coach is to stimulate and challenge his clients to unlock their successful beliefs, skills, and behavior patterns.
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