3 Powerful Reasons Why We Must Learn To Love And Enjoy The Journey Of Our Life.
“Success is a journey, not a destination. The doing is often more important than the outcome.” – Arthur Ashe –
We are all on a journey towards a destination. That destination could be to the kitchen to grab a cup of coffee or to climb the summit of Mount Everest.
We may have a goal to purchase a new car, start our own business, travel to another country, change careers or get married and have a family. Every destination presupposes a journey and that journey is in most cases much longer than the time spent at the destination.
If you tend to get caught up not enjoying the journey, and only focusing on the destination, you need to explore the following reasons why the journey in some cases is far more important than the destination or goal.
3 Powerful Reasons Why We Must Learn To Love And Enjoy The Journey Of Our Life.
Reason No 1 – We spend 99% of our time on the journey. That’s right, we spend most of our time on the journey of our life. We reach our goal and we are back on another journey towards another destination.
Doesn’t it make so much more sense to enjoy the 99% as well as the 1% destination? Makes perfect sense to me.
Planning for a holiday is a good example. What’s the best part of a holiday? For me, it’s the days, weeks, or months before the actual holiday. We are so looking forward to the holiday that we can already start to enjoy it now, in our imagination, before we even pack our bags.
When we stop to think that our whole life is a journey of one sort or another. We are always on the journey of life towards a specific destination.
Let’s put things in perspective and start to enjoy our journey, so when we do reach our destination, it will be all that much more enjoyable.
Reason No2 – Keep an elevated emotion to attract the destination.
When we understand how energy works in our life, we realize that like energy attract each other.
I need to be vibrating at the same energy frequency during the journey as the energy frequency at the destination. When I can do this, I will be pulling that destination much closer, sooner, into my reality.
When I’m not enjoying the journey, frustrated, upset, or angry I will be a miss-match of energy at my destination, and I will be pushing it away, I will be repelling rather than attracting.
Everything is energy so we need to understand how to vibrate at the same energy frequency as my destination.
Not only will I enjoy the journey more, but I will also reach my destination sooner in most cases.
Reason No3 – Expand our positive life experience.
I’m a coach, and I’m passionate about helping Entrepreneurs, Business Owners, and C Level Management to enjoy their moment-to-moment life experiences and their destinations.
Our life is one big experience that we are having every moment of the day. When business Executives are so focused on the outcome, destination or goal they tend to lose the ability to enjoy the present moment.
This is a psychological muscle that has become so weak over the years of building the business. It’s become so weak they have forgotten how to expand their positive experience of the present moment.
By expanding our positive experience of the present moment we become a different person. We are happier, more relaxed and focused, more creative, and easier to work with.
If we live in the fight or flight mode for too long, worrying about the future destination, not being present, not enjoying the journey, we risk our own health and the health of the company.
“ The great science to live happily is to live in the present.” PYTHAGORAS
Have your destination, your outcomes, and goals, and remember they exist so we can become the person to own them.
The journey is a becoming. It’s becoming the person we need to be to be able to have the destination. If my destination is to be a millionaire, I need to become a millionaire before I can have the million dollars.
All the work, growth, expansion, and enjoyment are in the journey, not the destination. Once we arrive at the destination it will be so much more enjoyable if I first was able to enjoy the journey. After a few deep breaths and enjoying the destination, we are back on another journey.
Paul Simos is an accomplished Executive Life Coach, Health Coach & Certified Trainer.
He has a fundamental belief about his clients which frames how they work together i.e. they already have everything they need to achieve success. His role as a coach is to stimulate and challenge his clients to unlock their successful beliefs, skills, and behavior patterns.
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