Discover the Number 1 Reason Why Passion in Your Relationship Fizzles Out & Learn Exactly How to Get it Back.
Light yourself on fire with passion and people will come for miles to watch you burn”. – Unknown –
Have you been married or in a long-term relationship for 3, 7, or 10 years plus and the passion has left the relationship? The passion, love, respect, and happiness seem to have disappeared as the responsibilities of life took hold.
Responsibilities like nurturing your children into a fast-changing, unpredictable world, paying the mortgage and other bills, remaining successful in your career or business, and maintaining your health and personal relationships.
When you finally complete the day just before your head hits the pillow, you glance across at your partner, and before you can finish the words, “good night”, the morning alarm wakes you up and here we go again Déjà vu life.
You become less tolerant, short-fused, less respectful, and critical, noticing all the floors of your partner which in turn is extinguishing the flame of passion. This behavior is similar to extinguishing the flame/fire of passion in your relationship with a bucket of ice-cold water.
Now we are on a negative downward spiral, if not stopped, will end in an unpleasant way.
The Number 1 Reason Why Passion in Your Relationship Fizzles Out:
Take your mind all the way back to when you were dating your partner. Why were you dating them in the first place? What were the qualities, habits, and behaviors you saw in them that attracted you to them?
Yes, this is called the honeymoon.

During the honeymoon everything was perfect, nothing could go wrong. We were on top of the world enjoying our partner unreservedly.
When we decided the honeymoon was over our programmed way of having relationships kicked in. This is the relationship program I learned at home and growing up. In many cases, they are 2 different relationship programs.
The honeymoon program is a CONSCIOUS program.
Post honeymoon program is a SUBCONSCIOUS program.
If our 2 programs are the same, that’s wonderful. If not, we just may encounter some relationship challenges.
The number 1 reason why passion in relationships fizzle out or even worst, ends in divorce, is because we default to the SUBCONSCIOUS program that is very different from our honeymoon program, the program we sealed the relationship with.
What’s the solution, how can I get the passion, once again, back into my relationship?
Let’s explore a couple of ideas we can work on.
How To Get The Passion Back Into My Relationship?
Very simply we need to activate and run our CONSCIOUS honeymoon program. That’s right. We need to start dating our partners again. We need to sweep our sweetheart, honey, sugar, babe off their feet just as if we were dating them again.
How did you talk to your sweetheart when you were dating? What soft sweet words did you whisper into their ear? How did you treat them? What gifts and surprises did you shower upon them?
CONSCIOUSLY, start to date your partner again, exactly, or even better than when you first met and fell in love.
When you behave and act as if you are back on the honeymoon the passion will reignite, the love will start to surface, and your experience will be so amazing, once again.
Remember love and passion are VERB’S, they are DOING words. That means we need to TAKE ACTION.
How Do I Make The CONSCIOUS Honeymoon Program, The Default SUBCONSCIOUS Program?
Practice, Practice, Practice the CONSCIOUS honeymoon program and over time you will override the old program and replace it with the new SUBCONSCIOUS honeymoon program as a way of always treating your darling sweetheart.
The key is to be CONSCIOUS because when we are conscious the subconscious program can be deactivated with our awareness to act differently.
When we are willing to put the effort in and change the SUBCONSCIOUS programs that sabotage our life, results, and relationships, we will always find love, passion, and connection in our relationship.
We have all the resources inside of us to keep the fire of passion and love ablaze in our relationship.
I take my hat off to those who have proven the test of time and kept the passion going for many decades, especially my parents, until death does us part.
Start to work on your SUBCONSCIOUS Relationship Program, get back into honeymoon mode, to ensure a passionate, exciting, loving relationship, and then start to reprogram other parts of your life.
Paul Simos is an accomplished Executive Life Coach, Health Coach & Certified Trainer.
He has a fundamental belief about his clients which frames how they work together i.e. they already have everything they need to achieve success. His role as a coach is to stimulate and challenge his clients to unlock their successful beliefs, skills, and behavior patterns.
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