3 Simple and Very Effective Keys to Attracting the Love of Your Life.
“It’s an immutable law that, whatever you hold in your mind, believe that you can do or get, is the thing that will manifest itself in your life.” – O.S. Marden –
This immutable law of attraction works when we apply it exactly as intended. The world, the universe has no favorites. Follow the law, get what you want, follow the law and get what you don’t want.
The universal law of gravity exists, yes or yes? That’s right.
It has no favorites, follow the law, and we are safe. Disregard the law and our results will not be pleasant.
The law of attraction is always working and what we have in our lives now is because of the law of attraction. If we don’t like what we have, we need to understand the rules of engagement and stack them in our favor.
3 Key’s to Attract The Love of Your Life
Key No1: Know What You Want
This may seem obvious at first glance and it is obvious, but we don’t always practice it. Many of us are crystal clear about what we don’t want. Now that’s a good thing as long as it is not to the exclusion of what we do want.
We need to know the exact details of the love of our life. What qualities, habits, and behaviors do they exhibit?
What color of eyes and length of their hair? How much do they weigh? Do they exercise & what’s their favorite way of keeping fit? Are they vegetarian?
Where do they work? Do they have their own business?
Where are they living?
Get very specific about who you are looking for because if you don’t know, how will you be able to notice them when they show up in your life? They are already here, you just haven’t identified them YET.
Once you are crystal clear about the love of your life, they will show up on time, and what’s more important, you will recognize them.
When I was a teenager I had a fascination with my future wife being 6 ft tall, with long blonde hair, and blue eyes and that’s exactly who I married.

Key No2: Focus on What You Want
You now know exactly what you want. You know exactly what the love of your life looks like, smells like, feels like, sounds like, and even tastes like. When they show up it will be as obvious as the nose on your face.
Now your job is to continue to focus on what you want. Keep a clear vision of the person in your mind’s eye. Keep a look out in your environment waiting for them to show up.
Where would such a person hang out? Where would they be socializing, exercising, eating, and drinking?
Start to frequent places and events where you know the love of your life will be.
They already exist, you are now Sherlock Holmes, using your sensory acuity to identify exactly where they are hiding.
Key No3: Be The Person to Have What You Want
This next key is crucial for us to understand in attracting the love of our life.
We are crystal clear on what we want and we are out and about searching for the love of our life.
Now let’s shift our mindset to them. That’s right, we need to walk in their shoes to understand what they are looking for in attracting the love of their life.
What are their requirements?
Once we understand on a deep level the type of person they are looking for, WE NEED TO BECOME THAT PERSON.
That’s right, like attracts like, and for them to even recognize me, I must display the qualities they are looking for.
We need to come together in this new relationship with our own offerings.
If I’m looking for a person with an impeccable dress code and who looks as sharp as a tack, do you think that they too will want the same? In most cases, YES.
We need to BE the person we are seeking in the various qualities and attributes we are looking for.
We need to BE before we can have.
Start to work on yourself to be the mirror image in most of the qualities you are looking for and before you know it, they will identify YOU as the love of their life.
WE can have anything we want and attract it into our lives, once we understand and consciously apply the universal laws and principles of life.
We first create in the internal world of our imagination, this is the blueprint, the architectural design of our life to be. Then we take specific physical action steps in our thoughts, words, and behaviors to bring them into our reality.
Understand this, our thoughts give form to our reality…
Now you know how to attract the love of your life.
Paul Simos is an accomplished Executive Life Coach, Health Coach & Certified Trainer.
He has a fundamental belief about his clients which frames how they work together i.e. they already have everything they need to achieve success. His role as a coach is to stimulate and challenge his clients to unlock their successful beliefs, skills, and behavior patterns.
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